Duncans Don't Cry

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Courtney Taint sighed dreamily as she opened the box that had been delivered to Bridgette's house about an hour ago. Bridgette walked in, her hair half finished, and a smirk playing at her lips.

"I think this is Duncan's wedding present for you!" she squealed, Courtney looked over at her from sitting in the chair. The woman working hard behind her, as she pinned back Courtney's hair professionally. 

"Really?" Courtney said, her onyx eyes bright as Bridgette walked over and slowly handed her best friend. The tan surfer girl handed Courtney the small package, and Courtney took it eagerly. Opening the box gently, in case whatever was inside was fragile. 

Courtney smiled when she saw it was a small, red velvet box. Courtney slowly opened it and gasped. A hand flying to her mouth. Inside the box was an absolutely stunning pair of pearl earrings. 

"Oh Duncan, he remembered I hate diamonds!" Courtney gushed as she gently took an earring out and examined it closer. 

"Why do you hate diamonds?" Bridgette asked, sitting back down in her own chair, so the woman could continue her work on her long blonde hair. 

"I think they're too predictable," Courtney said, with a shrug. She reached up and slipped the gorgeous earrings through the small holes in her ears. "Pearls are so much more classy. I told him that on one of our first dates. I can't believed he remembered," 

"So how's the future Mrs. Evans doing on this fine evening?" Gwen said, as she walked through the door. Her bridesmaid's dress hanging on a hanger in her hand. It was wrapped tightly in a dry cleaning bag. 

Courtney smiled for what seemed like the millionth time "She's pretty great, happy she's about to finally marry her Prince Charming," 

Gwen snorted and smirked "I'm pretty sure Duncan wouldn't like you calling him that,"

"Well he's marrying me. So he has no say in what I call him," Courtney giggled. Gwen walked over to the beverage table. Setting down her dress gently onto the arm of the couch, she grabbed the bottle of champagne and popped it open. 

"You sure we should have her drink that?" Bridgette giggled as Gwen poured Courtney a glass "I don't think her parents would appreciate you getting the bride to be drunk before she walks down the isle,"

Gwen snickered as she handed Courtney the glass of the bubbling drink, she took it and sipped it with a smile "I'm sure Duncan would get a kick out of it," 

"Oh he would, he always gets a kick outta it when I'm drunk," Courtney rolled her eyes as she set her glass down on the table next to them. Gwen slowly sat down in her own chair as her own stylist began working on her short black locks. 

"I'm still angry about the whole getting shit faced at his bachelor party," Courtney mumbled, as her stylist began spraying hairspray in her hair. Bridgette sighed

"Yeah, Geoff got an ear full after that," she said. Gwen laughed

"Dude, Trent was so wasted. I don't think I've ever seen him like that, it was hilarious," Gwen said, between chuckles. Courtney rolled her eyes at her friend's antics. 

"Alright, Mrs. Taint, I think your hair is finished," the stylist said, setting down the hairspray. Courtney looked at her friends

"How does it look?" she asked nervously, Bridgette and Gwen shared a warm smile

"You look gorgeous, Court," Bridgette said. Gwen nodded

"Like a million bucks," Gwen added. Courtney slowly swiveled in her chair to face the vanity mirror. And gasped quietly. Her brown hair had been pulled up into an elegant bun, with a few loose curls hanging around her face. Her bangs had been parted, and a single white orchid was in her hair. To match her dress. The pearl earrings Duncan had gotten her sparkling perfect in her ears. Courtney had to refrain herself from crying. 

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