I'll Be Your Princess

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Courtney sighed as she tried to scratch at her stomach from underneath the itchy material of the princess costume she was currently in. Her brown hair was sticking to the back of her neck because it felt like 80 degrees in Canada currently. Which almost never happened, especially this late in the day. She just wanted to take a shower, get into her night clothes, and go to sleep. 

Courtney reached up and plucked the tiara off of her head, flinching as some of her hair tangled in the metal. She grunted as she ripped it out, and opened the door to her trailer. Beth and Lindsay were already there, and they shot glares at her as she walked to her bunk. Courtney ignored them and rolled her eyes, tossing the tiara on her bunk, she unzipped her costume, and it fell in a pool around her feet. She kicked the cheap thing away and dug around for a pair of her nightly clothes. She pulled on a soft purple towel and grabbed her shower bag. 

"If you need me, I'll be in the shower," she mumbled to the other girls, walking across the floor and swinging open the door. It slammed back into place behind her. 

Who cares if they were butt hurt over the whole thing. She didn't give a crap, she won that challenge fair and square. Justin deserved to go home, he wasn't going to last much longer anyways. Oh well. 

And let's face it. Seeing Duncan so jealous wasn't too bad of a prize either. 

Courtney smirked a little to herself, of course flirting with Justin didn't mean anything. She had to get him to trust her, that way she'd take the win right out of his pretty hands. She was still angry with herself for getting so worked up at the fact that Duncan was almost voted off. How could she be so stupid? 

Courtney slowly opened the communal showers and walked across the wet tiles. Past the stalls and towards the final one, it was her favorite. It had the hottest water.

Just as Courtney went to open the stall, a large hand flew over her mouth, and she shrieked as she was pulled back and against the nearby wall. Her eyes registered the face in front of her, as Duncan pushed his large body against her's. Pinning her against the wall. His teal eyes were intense, and he wore a few bruises from the day's challenge. 

Courtney's eyes slowly narrowed to glare at him, her blood beginning to boil. He slowly moved his hand off her mouth and used his strength to force her hands down beside her. She couldn't move.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you Heathen!" Courtney snapped at him, Duncan just kept smirking at her. She growled and clenched her teeth

"Let me go, I would like to shower!" she said, trying to pry away from his iron grip. But he held tight

"Care to have some company?" he drawled, wiggling his eyebrows at her suggestively. Courtney snorted and rolled her eyes

"As if, now let me go before I castrate you," she hissed. Duncan shook his head

"No can do, Princess. Not until we have a talk," he said, Courtney tried hard to break away again. But huffed and gave up when she realized she wasn't going anywhere. Duncan nodded  and smirked "Good girl," he teased. Courtney glared at him but remained quite. Waiting to hear what he had to say.

"You wanna explain to me what that little act you played today was? Flirting with Justin? Really?" Duncan said, his teal eyes narrowing at her. He was angry. Courtney slowly smirked

"Aw," she said "Is Duncan jealous?" 

Duncan growled and pushed himself against her body again, she gasped as the air left her body. 

"I don't get jealous. I just don't like it when pretty boys like him think they can touch what's mine," Duncan growled under his breath. Courtney swallowed hard and ignored how turned on she was. 

"I am not your's, Duncan," she said, breathlessly. Duncan slowly raised a pierced brow

"I think you really want to be," he whispered, leaning forward. She sucked in a sharp breath as she felt his lips against her collarbone. She blushed like crazy, remembering she was in a towel. And with one flick of his hand it could come off her. Revealing her bra and underwear covered body. The thought made her heart race and flutter at the same time. 

"Do you want to be mine tonight, Courtney?" Duncan whispered against her skin. Courtney breaths quickened. And she swallowed a hard lump in her throat. 

"No," she choked out. Duncan slowly pulled away and smirked at her. A knowing look in his eyes

"You seem to forget that I know you Courtney. I know when you're turned on, and you are most definitely turned on right now. Do I need to remind you that we did  have sex back at the Playa De Losers? Back on TDI?" Duncan said, looking into her eyes. Courtney's face flushed bright red and bit her lip, slowly looking away

"I thought you had forgotten about that," she whispered. Duncan shook his head, leaning back in and laying butterfly kisses up her neck

"I could never forget that," he whispered into her ear "And I'd really like to do it again, if you'd let me,"

Courtney's eyes flew wide and she looked at him "We're in the middle of the show. There's cameras every where!" she said. Duncan chuckled

"Not in the stalls, they can't legally film us in the bathrooms. Come on babe, I know you want this just as much as me. No one will know, seeing you in that princess costume today really turned me on," Duncan slowly reached down and gripped the edge of her towel. And she gasped as in one swift moment, he yanked it off. And it fell to the ground. Revealing her matching purple underwear and bra. 

"D-Duncan, what if someone h-hears us?" Courtney stuttered as his hands let her go. To wrap around her waist, and he began kissing down her neck and across her chest. She gasped when she felt his calloused hand slide up and unhook her bra.

"Then I guess we'll just have to be quite, won't we?" Duncan purred as her bra fell to her feet. Courtney let out a weak whimper and kissed him hard. Tangling her fingers in his black hair. 

About forty five minutes later, Beth and Lindsay looked up from their card game as the door to the trailer swung open. And a flustered Courtney walked in. Her hair was wet from her shower, and her body was dripping wet from under her towel. She had a blush across her tan cheeks, making her freckles stand out more. Her eyes were glowing, and her lips looked swollen. Beth slowly snickered as she saw the dark hickey on her neck, it was in plain sight. Courtney clearly hadn't noticed it yet. 

"What?" Courtney snapped at her, as she dried off and slid on her night clothes. Beth eyed the hickey once more before shrugging

"Must have been some shower," she mumbled, Courtney raised a brow and rolled her eyes. Turning away from the girls to brush out her tangled hair.

Lindsay slowly leaned into Beth, with a giggle "Should we tell her?" she whispered. Beth shrugged and slowly picked up another card. Looking it over with a smirk still playing at her lips. 

"Nah," she whispered back. Lindsay shrugged and looked down at her own cards. Mumbling to herself as she did. 

It was clear Courtney's 'shower' hadn't been a very... Clean one. 

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