Deleted Episode Part 1

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(This is my magical deleted episode of All Stars. It gets confusing. But this is how I wish Duncan actually showed he still had feelings for Courtney instead of him trying to make her jealous with Gwen on the show) 

Gwen smiled as she laid on her boyfriend's bunk in their cabin as she watched the thunderstorm outside. The rain was pelting the cabin, and every few minutes a huge flash of lightning would strike, causing a huge clap of thunder to follow suit. 

Gwen had always loved thunderstorms, they relaxed her. There was just something to calming about the electricity in the air.

Duncan was there too, sitting up on his bed next to her. He was carving a skull into the wood wall of the cabin, his other hand resting carelessly on her thigh.

"Jeez, it's really coming down out there," Heather mumbled as she too watched the rain fall. The Villains were stuck in the cabin while the hero's stayed in the resort across the way. 

"What was your first guess?" Jo grunted with a smirk. Heather rolled her eyes and flicked her hair. 

"Attention all contestants, report to the mess hall immediately," Chris's voice came out of the loud speakers. The Villains all looked at one another

"He can't seriously be making us doing a challenge today. It's raining cats and dogs out there!" Scott said. 

"Well whatever he wants we should go. It sounded urgent," Gwen sighed, tossing her sketchbook aside and standing up. Duncan looked at her and flicked his pocket knife shut, slipping it under his pillow. 

"Whatever you say babe," he said. The Villains all quickly walked outside. The rain seemed to get harder, and Gwen flinched when a flash of lightning hit a nearby tree.

The Hero's were all in the mess Hall already as the Villains arrived. Chris was talking quietly to a few police officers by the back of the tent. While Chef listened intently. 

"Has anyone seen Mike?" Zoey asked worriedly. Her eyes looking at her teammates expectantly. 

"I haven't seen Moe anywhere!" Lindsey said with a shrug. Zoey sighed

"Wait, as a matter of fact, has anyone seen Courtney?" Jo questioned. 

"Thank you," Chris mumbled to the police officer before turning to the group of teens before him "That's exactly why you're all here, Jo," he said. Swallowing hard.

The teens all shared a glance

"According to the officers, we currently have 2 missing contestants," Chris continued "Mike, and Courtney. They both seemed to have vanished into thin air last night,"

"Oh please," Heather scoffed "You expect us to believe that? Is this our stupid challenge? We have to locate our teammate to win? How cliche,"

Chris shook his head, a grim expression set on his face "I thought it was a joke myself, but when I woke up this morning and was walking to craft services for my morning coffee I found this laying in the mud," he said, pulling out a plastic bag that had a phone-shaped object in it. The object was dirty, and clearly broken.

"That's Courtney's PDA!" Scott gasped, the rest of the contestants gasped as well. There's no way Courtney would have ever let her PDA out of her sight, let alone laying in mud.

"That's when I got a horrible feeling that this wasn't some joke," Chris gulped "I called these guys and handed this over for evidence," 

"But we didn't hear anything in the cabin last night," Gwen argued.

"We don't believe Courtney was taken from the cabin, we believe she was taken while out in the woods. A few feet from her PDA I found a ripped piece of her sweater, it was bloody." Chris said

"We believe there was a struggle," the police officer said. The teens all gasped once again

"But why would Courtney be out in the woods in the middle of the night? It doesn't make sense," Gwen said. Shaking her head.

"Oh God.." Duncan whispered half to himself as his face went pale. Everyone turned to him, Gwen touched his arm gently with a worried look.

"What?" she whispered. Duncan swallowed hard and covered his face

"Courtney likes to take late night walks if she can't sleep. I remember that about her. I was awake last night when everyone else was asleep, and I saw her sneak out of the cabin. I fell asleep before I could have seen her come back," he said. Realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. He felt sick, as he put a hand to his stomach. He pulled away from the group and sat down at one of the tables. Putting his head into his hands.

"Our theory is, she left the cabin late last night to take a walk, as Duncan said, and her kidnapper intercepted her on the way. We all know Courtney, she wouldn't take that without a fight. Which is how she dropped her PDA and ripped her clothes. But there was blood.. A lot of it. We have yet to figure out what happened after she was taken. Or where she might be now," the officer said

"You don't even know if she's alive or even on the island anymore!" Heather snapped "What if she's dead, or dying somewhere and we have no idea where to look for her!"

"What if this person is doing something to her right now.." Scott said.

Duncan paled even further. He swallowed bile in his throat.

"Wait," Zoey said "But what does any of this have to do with Mike? Where is he?"

"That, we have yet to figure out. We found no belongings to Mike, or any signs of struggle. He seems to have just vanished." the officer said. 

"That doesn't sound like anything Mike would do. This whole thing is crazy!" Zoey said. Tearing up, she sat down slowly and started to cry. 

"Why would Mike just leave like this?" she sobbed as Lindsey rubbed her back. 

"This whole thing makes no sense!" Duncan yelled. He stood up, suddenly angry "You have cameras all over this island and you mean to tell me none of them caught anything on video!?" he yelled. He walked over and grabbed Chris by the collar of his shirt 

"This had better not be one of your sick jokes. Or I'll beat you to a pulp!" he snarled into the terrified host's face. Duncan secretly hoped Chris would crumble and admit this thing was a joke. That he's laugh and reveal a tied up Courtney behind a curtain or some shit. 

But Duncan had a terrible feeling this wasn't a joke. 

And that Courtney was is serious danger. 

But.. Who would do something like this?

                                                         ~  TO BE CONTINUED ~

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