I Missed You Too

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Courtney sighed as she scrolled through her emails. She was currently sitting at her favorite spot in the local Starbucks. An iced coffee sitting by her laptop as she typed in a few responses to the emails. 

She was currently 21 years old, and a fresh out of college lawyer. Her firm was just starting to pick up pace, getting more clients and cases every day. She was finally the successful woman she always knew she could be. She was living on her own, in an apartment in New York City, it was expensive, but worth it. She loved the city life. And she ached for a change of scenery, getting out of Canada was a big factor in her ability to move on from the past. 

It had been 5 years since the end of All Stars, and her days on that show were long over. And she was relieved and happy about that. There were times when she would be scared whenever her cellphone rang, or when there was a knock at her door. She always expected it to be Chris, coming there to tell her that her nightmares weren't over. And that she had to go back for another season. All because she had stupidly signed that damn contract. 

It would be a lie though, if she said she wasn't the least bit thankful for that show. It gave her memories that she never wanted to forget.. And some she never could forget, no matter how hard she tried. That show taught her what true friends were, and what they acted like. That show, taught her what true love really was. 

That show taught her what heartbreak really felt like. 

Courtney hadn't spoken to Duncan since the show ended. She heard that he had been released from prison, and that no one has seen him since. It was like he had vanished off the face of the planet. No tabloids have reported anything about the criminal himself in over 2 years. 

Courtney often found herself thinking about the man. Even though it wasn't nearly as often as it had been a long time ago, she still thought about him. Wondered where he was, what he was doing. Wondering if he ever thought about her like the way she thought about him. Wondered if he ever shed a tear over her. Wondered if she would ever see him again. 

Wondered how she'd react if one day, someday, she came face to face with him. Look into those teal eyes that haunted her dreams. See that smirk at his lips. Courtney wondered if she'd be able to handle seeing him again. Or if she'd ever  be able to handle that. 

Courtney sighed and slowly closed her laptop, she checked her watch on her wrist. Grabbing her coffee she tucked her laptop into her bag and stood up. Courtney walked in her classy black heels out the front door, and squinted as she hot July sun hit her eyes. Courtney began walking down the sidewalk, passing many other people who seemed to know exactly where they were going. 

That's one of the things she loved the most about the city. Everyone around her seemed to know exactly what they were doing. All the time. She liked the fast pace, the constant moving, the constant spur of life all around her. Even in the early hours of the morning. 

Courtney turned off of 17th street and began walking across the road, once she reached the other side she began walking down a sidewalk in front of a bunch of stores. She stopped to look at her reflection in one of the windows. Reaching up to fix her windblown hair. 

Courtney saw a flash of green out of the corner of her eye, reflecting at her in the window. She whipped around and scanned the area. Her heart picking up pace a little. She slowly blew out a long breath when she realized Duncan was no where to be seen. 

Courtney found herself doing that a lot more lately. Thinking she saw him in store windows, in crowds, even in the jury she was presenting to. Her mind was still haunted by him. She knew she was just seeing things. But that never helped her heart from racing. Doing flips in her chest.

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