The Perfect Quote

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(Down below I've gathered quotes from a bunch of different books, movies, shows, and other places that I think relate to Duncan and Courtney's relationship)

1. "In the end, I would rather say I loved you too much than not enough," -Courtney

2. "I remember a time when you meant nothing to me. I wasn't aware of your existence. But now you're the reason I have these awful bags under my eyes. I stay up until 4am thinking about you. It's bizarre how a person could mean nothing to you, but in a matter of days, weeks, years they could mean the world to you. Even if they make your heart drown in a sea of regret, and leave a hurricane of bittersweet memories behind," -Courtney 

3. "I think I did love him," she whispered under her falling tears "It's been months and I still think of him every day. Sometimes I'm enraged at what he did and sometimes I'm thankful that he at least came into my life and gave me hope again," she looked out the window and stared at the rain that fell in synch with her tears "It was the best thing I ever felt. I think that was love,"         -Courtney

4. "You are still my favorite chapter that I keep on re-reading night after night till my eyes are red with tears and my heart hurts from the memories of your lost touch," -Duncan

5. "And I'm so scared that I'll stay here, being in love with you, waiting for you. And then in the end, you'll just leave," -Courtney

6. "Silly girl, your different was your beautiful all along," -Duncan

7. "I'm sorry for the Demon I've become, you should be sorry for the Angel you are not. I apologize for the cruel things that I did, but I don't regret one single word I said," -Duncan

8. "Would you forgive me, if I told you that I cared? Would you be sorry If I swore that I'd be there? Please forgive me for laughing when you fall. I'm so sorry, but I never cared at all"


9. "We both knew it would always end this way," -Duncan

10. "You've given him so many yesterdays. Don't give him anymore todays," -Courtney

11. "But you still cheated," -Courtney

12. "It's hard not to have hope for us. So when I see you moving on, I'll try to do the same. And I'll meet someone new and I'll think "Maybe he's the one. Maybe he's the one who is going to make me forget about you," But he never is. Because maybe I wasn't meant to forget about you. Maybe I'm going to love you for the rest of my life. And I'm still listening to songs that remind me of you while you're listening to new songs that you're making new memories to. But sometimes we'll fall back into old habits and you'll accidently say "I miss you" and then I'll be up all night, trying to find a hidden meaning in that meaningless phrase. But I should know that nothing's the same. You don't love me anymore. But at the same time, nothing has really changed. I'm still that lonely girl with the sleepy eyes that you fell in love with so long ago. And you're still the guy who always knew how to make me smile. So what the fuck happened? How could you just fall out of love? -Courtney

13. "Darling, he doesn't care. He doesn't think about you at night, he doesn't see your face in a crowded room. He forgot the color of your eyes, even though he said he had never seen something so beautiful. He doesn't talk about you and about how bad he misses you. He doesn't remember what it's like to kiss your lips. Sweetheart, he doesn't care about you, and you chasing him only makes his ego bigger and your pride smaller. He doesn't love you anymore. I'm so sorry," -Courtney

14. "I don't miss you. I just miss who I thought you were," -Courtney

15. "When you said you loved me, a little part of me always knew you were lying," -Courtney

16. "Today I realized you don't care anymore. And then I realized, you probably never did anyways. And the saddest part of it all, is that you made me believe you did," -Courtney

17. "I really love you. A lot. I know sometimes I mess up and do things that make it seem like I don't care, but trust me..... You're my world," -Duncan

18. "But get this. I would do it all again, without hesitation. Because you see, we almost made it. We almost fucking made it. And I'd go through it all, for a chance to see you again," -Duncan

19. "Maybe in five years our paths will cross again, I will tell you how desperately in love I was with you. And we can laugh at how we broke each other's hearts," -Duncan

20. "You walked away and all I did was watch you. Because no matter how hard I tried to make you stay, you still left," -Courtney

21. "The fucked up part of it all is that even though she can hear her own heart breaking, she's still willing to love the same one who broke it," -Courtney

22 "Trying to forget you was like trying to forget your first house. You lived there so long,  you know everything about it by heart. And sure, you've moved on and found your dream home, but not matter what, you'll never forget the old address," -Courtney

23. "I forgive you.  Not for you, but for me. Because like chains shackling me to the past I will no longer pollute my heart with bitterness, fear, distrust, or anger. I forgive you because hate is just another way of holding on. And you don't belong here anymore," -Courtney

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