You're An Asshole

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Why was this happening. Why? 

Courtney just wanted to enjoy a simple date with her now boyfriend Scott. That's all she wanted. But no. All that went downhill the second they stepped out of his car, to see her ex boyfriend Duncan Evans standing in line waiting to buy tickets to see the exact same movie they were going to see.

Oh, and his now girlfriend Gwendolyn Myers was with him. The girl he had left her for. 

This could not get any worse. 

"Maybe we should go someplace else-"

"Hey isn't that your ex, Duncan?" Scott said, interrupting her. She sighed and rubbed her temples

"Yes. That's him, but please don't draw attention to us-"

"Hey Duncan! Just know Courtney is soooo over you!" Scott yelled loudly over to the punk, who turned around and looked at them. His eyes narrowing to glare at him, before turning away again. 

Courtney covered her face with her hands, she growled to herself. Sometimes Scott wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed. 

"Come on babe, let's go get our tickets," Scott said, and grabbed her roughly. Courtney yelped as he pulled her over to the line. The two barged in front of Duncan and Gwen, who were talking quietly.

"Two tickets to Blood Bath Reign of Terror 4, please," Courtney said. Scott smirked and crossed his arms, Courtney watched as the man began printing out the tickets. 

"So you got miss Prude to watch a horror movie, eh?" Duncan drawled, Scott glared at him. 

"It's none of your business what I got her to do," Scott snapped, Duncan pulled his leather jacket tighter. His body stiffening. He so wanted to punch this douche in the face. 

"Thank you," Courtney said as she grabbed their tickets, she turned back around to see Scott and Duncan having a stare down. Both their jaws set, ready to strike at any time.

"Guys stop!" Gwen whined, and she grabbed Duncan by the shoulder. Courtney swallowed hard as the two started holding hands.

"Let's go," Courtney mumbled, taking Scott's hand and walking into the movie theater. 

Courtney stopped to wait in line to get snacks, she slowly pulled her PDA out of her purse and began scroll through her Facebook News feed. Scott wrapped a lazy arm around her shoulders. 

Courtney stiffened when she heard Duncan's unmistakable chuckle from behind them

"Aw how cute, Courtney is almost taller than the boy!" Duncan drawled, Gwen sighed and crossed her arms. Obviously angry that her boyfriend kept trying to stir up drama. Scott clenched his fists and whipped around roughly

"Look here you punk-"

"Okay that's enough!" Courtney yelled, getting everyone's attention "I'm tired of these immature games. Can't we all act like civilized adults who are going on separate dates to the same movie?"

Gwen rolled her eyes "Nooo, I thought we were all on a double date," she said, sarcasm dripped from her words. Courtney narrowed her eyes at her

"Never in a million years would I go on a double date with your skanky ass," Courtney hissed at her, Gwen's eyes shot wide, and she stepped forward to strike back, but Duncan held her back

"Wow, low blow Courtney," Duncan said, the two slowly looked at each other

"Oh no," Courtney laughed "What's a low blow, was when you left me for this goth whore!" 

"I wouldn't have left you if you hadn't been such a controlling bitch!" Duncan yelled back, Gwen and Scott slowly stepped aside, their eyes widening at the other two colorful use of language. 

"Oh please, If I hadn't been so controlling, you'd be in prison by now!" Courtney said, not backing down as Duncan got right into her face. He stared down at the shorter girl

"At least in prison I could get away from you,"

"I was the best thing that ever happened to you," Courtney snarled at him. The two kept looking intensely at each other, their eyes burning with fire that hadn't been there for a long time

"Oh please. You're just pissed I took your virginity and left you," Duncan said. Courtney's eyes went wide, as did the other two's.

Courtney reached up and slapped him hard across the face. Duncan blinked a little, and slowly raised  a hand to his cheek. He slowly turned his head to look back at her. Her onyx eyes had filled with tears

"You're right," she said, her voice breaking. "I can't believe I was ever stupid enough to think you meant enough to me to take my virginity,"  

Courtney slowly stepped aside, her eyes looking at Scott

"I'm sorry, but I can't do this," she said to him. Courtney pulled her purse close, and walked out of the theater. 

Scott gave one last angry glance at Duncan, before calling after Courtney and quickly running after her. 

Gwen slowly crossed her arms, and looked up at Duncan with a look that could kill. He had a small red mark in the shape of a hand print on his cheek.

"You're an asshole," was all she said, before leaving Duncan to stand alone in the theater, his and Gwen's tickets still dangling in his hand. 

Duncan slowly sighed, his shoulders slumping "Yeah," he whispered, his eyes slowly looking towards the door Courtney and Scott had just exited, his heart aching badly "I am an asshole," 

Duncan just couldn't believe he let the only girl that he ever loved walk away from him. 

Or the fact that she was probably being comforted by a guy named Scott. 

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