Last Kiss

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"That's it! I think we got it," Trent said excitedly, as he took off his headphones and smiled at the people on the other side of the window to the music booth.

Courtney watched as he exited the booth and came over, he leaned over Courtney's head and played it back, closing his eyes as he listened to the nearly finished song. 

"It sounds great, Trent," she said, he looked at her

"It does, doesn't it? Your part is all we need left to finish it." he said. Courtney noticed how tired he looked, as he rubbed the back of his neck. 

"Hey, why don't you just head home. I can record my part on my own.. Plus, I kinda need to get into the mindset of the song," she offered. He thought about it for a second, but nodded. Grabbing his jacket off of the back of her chair. 

"Alright, hey. Thanks for doing this," he said. She smiled 

"It's nothing really, I'm just thankful you want to feature me on your album," Courtney said.

"You sure you're good here to lock up?" he asked, grabbing the door handle. She nodded and rubbed her arm

"I got it, good night Trent," she said.

He left, leaving her on her own in the recording studio. She swirled back around towards the booth and blew out a long breath. Her dark brown eyes focusing on the lone microphone. Her mind blank. 

Courtney slowly stood up and went into the booth. Walking over and sitting on the stool. She looked down and closed her eyes, putting the headset on. Trying to get into the mindset of the song. 

You just gotta picture singing it to someone, that's usually what I do

Trent's advice rang in her head. Mindset... Mindset..

Her eyes slowly opened, as her mind traveled somewhere else. Somewhere safe. Somewhere she would always remember. As she opened her mouth and began to sing. 

"I still remember the look on your face,

Lit through the darkness at 1:58,"

His eyes were the first thing she thought of. How blue they were. How they always seemed to see right through her walls. How one look could make her melt. 

In the beginning. When everything was perfect. 

In the beginning. When they were happy. 

"The words that you whispered,

For just us to know,

You told me you loved me..

So why did you go, away?"

"I love you," he whispered into her ear as they cuddled on her bed. Her head resting perfectly on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Getting lost in the rhythm. Courtney looked up at him and smiled, a smile he adored. 

"I love you too, softie," she giggled. Duncan chuckled and kissed her forehead 

"Only for you," 

"I do recall now the smell of the rain,

Fresh on the pavement, I ran off the plane,

That July 9th, the beat of your heart,

It jumps through your shirt,

I can still feel your arms,"

Courtney laughed as she sprayed Duncan with the hose. He cursed and tried to dodge it. 

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