The Other Woman

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Courtney slowly blinked her eyes open, and flinched a little at the aching pain in the back of her skull. She could feel she was laying down in a bed, but as she looked around, she could tell it definitely wasn't her's. Her bedroom in her apartment was painted a nice light gray color, with white curtains and hard wood floors. The room she was currently in had cream colored walls, and dark curtains pulled back to cover one of the large windows in the room. Her eyes slowly scanned the room, there was a cream colored carpet on the ground. 

Courtney slowly rubbed her eyes and sat up a little in the large bed. Her soft chocolate hair was a mess from sleep. And she could feel her make up was smeared. She felt a strange ache between her legs, and scrunched her eyebrows together in confusion. She slowly looked around to see she was all alone in the bed, but the other side definitely looked like someone had been sleeping next to her at some point. Her eyes widened a little as she pushed the covers off of her and looked down. 

She let out a small gasp when she saw the dark hickeys on her inner thighs. She was only wearing a large cotton man's shirt. That barely covered her thighs, it was wrinkled. And had a strange scent to it, minty and smokey. Like an expensive cologne she smelled once in a store. 

There was no denying it, she had sex last night... But with who?

Courtney swallowed hard and thought hard about the previous night, and slowly, the memories came flooding back. She remembered going to a bar, remembered a sexy, dangerous looking man buy her a few drinks. She remembered them talking for a few hours... And she began remembering the kisses that took place later that night. She had been taken back to his house, and as soon as the front door closed he was all over her. His hands roaming her body, caressing her in a few places that had her voice leave her body. She remembered their clothes being taken off by one another, remembered him getting on top of her. Remembered his head kissing down her body.. Going lower, and lower.

Courtney blushed bright red, she never acted on a whim like this. But last night, with him, it had been so different. So intimate, yet so soft, and tender. She remembered looking into his gorgeous teal eyes as they made sounds of pleasure together, moved together among his sheets. She remembered moaning his name. 

Duncan. His name was Duncan. It felt so... Exciting saying his name. Having her lips form around the word, tasting it on her tongue. Last night had been amazing. Almost too amazing. 

Courtney slowly stood up from his bed, and walked across the carpet to go into his master bath. She checked her reflection and winced. Her make up was smudged, and her hair looked like she was in a wind storm. She turned the water on and wet her hands, using them to soothe down her untamed locks. She cleaned her face off of most of her make up. Her freckles more prominent. She flicked the light off and slowly walked to the door, opening it and  peeking her head out. She looked down both ends of the hallway to see Duncan was no where in sight. She walked down the hall to hear noises coming from the kitchen. She advanced in that direction. 

Upon entering the kitchen, she saw Duncan sitting at his table. His black hair still a mess from sleep.... And other activities. His scruff on his chin was prominent, and his teal eyes were looking downward, as he read the newspaper in his hands. He only wore a black muscle shirt, and Courtney couldn't help but notice his muscular arms. He had a cup of coffee in his hand. 

As she moved further into view, she saw his teal eyes slowly lift from the paper to settle on her. And she felt a wave of heat coarse through her body when she noticed the almost... Animalistic look in his eyes. She saw him slowly lick his lips and smirk at her

"Good morning, Princess," he drawled. His deep voice spinning in her ears. Courtney blushed and walked over, slowly taking a seat across from him, she knew his eyes were following her every move

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