Spilled Drinks

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There were many things Courtney Taint enjoyed. Warm baths, hot showers, knit sweaters, high grades, getting awards, and the list went on and on. 

But one thing that would never, ever be on that list, were parties. 

She. Hated. Parties. 

She hated throwing them, hated going to them, hated even hearing about them. Mainly because when ever she would throw one, no one would show up. And if she did go to one, she always ended up leaving early disgusted by the amount of stupid, drunk teenagers around her. She didn't understand, why are they all wasting their nights away? They could be studying! 

So naturally, she was growling to herself as her two closest friends were at her front door, practically begging her to go to a huge end-of-the-year-party they had been invited to. 

"Oh please Court! It'll be fun!" Bridgette begged, holding her tan hands clasped together in front of her. 

"You need to get out, and take a break from the books. It'll do you some good," Gwen added. She was leaning against Court's door frame. Her new combat boots shining in the moon light. Courtney rolled her eyes, and slowly crossed her arms

"Not going to happen, I still have 2 chapters left to read in my Trig textbook," she shrugged, and went to close the door, but Gwen stuck her foot in the doorway before she could. Courtney grunted and glared at them as they barged their way into her large house. Courtney slowly massaged her temples.

"This isn't just some party. It's the biggest party of the year! And we've actually been invited to it, by Duncan Evans himself!" Bridgette said. 

Courtney rolled her eyes at the sound of the neanderthal's name. She couldn't understand how he had become the most popular guy in their school. He barely showed up to any classes, never wore his school uniform, she always reeked like weed. It made her disgusted. 

"What I wouldn't give to have a piece of him," Gwen said, Bridgette giggled. 

"Ugh, gross," Courtney mumbled as she walked barefoot into her huge kitchen. She grabbed a glass off of one of the shelves and filled it with water. The other girls followed her into the kitchen

"Just go for a few hours, that's it. And if you don't like it, we will all come back to your house and have a marathon of Orange Is The New Black," Gwen said, giving Courtney a pleading look. Courtney slowly looked between her two friend's pleading stares. She set her glass down onto the counter and sighed

"Ugh, fine!" she said, giving in. Gwen and Bridgette high-fived each other.

As soon as Bridgette pulled up to the Evan's house, Courtney felt a pit of regret wash over her. She heard loud rock music blasting through the large house. Girls laughing and screaming in the backyard, and guys cheering loudly. No wonder it was called the party of the year. 

"Do you smell that?" Courtney said "That's the smell of my regret for letting you two drag me to this!"

Gwen and Bridgette laughed as they got out. Leaving Courtney alone in the backseat. She sighed and soothed out her straightened short brown hair. She opened the door and stood up. She stumbled a little, as her black pumps dug into the soft dirt of the lawn. Courtney pulled uncomfortably at her too short white cocktail dress that Gwen had made her wear. She quickly rushed forward to catch up to her friends before they vanished through the wall of people up ahead. 

Once the 3 girls walked through the front doors, their eyes widened. The Evans had it pretty nice. Their house was massive, and it was filled with already half-drunk teenagers. The smell of weed drifted through the house, making Courtney's eyes water. 

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