The Real Reason

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(I always thought Duncan's antics in World Tour were completely out of character. They came out of nowhere, right? Well I just watched that amazing Pretty Little Liars series finale, and it gave me some inspiration. What if when Gwen and Courtney picked up Duncan from London, it wasn't really him? But his evil twin?? Why would Duncan leave the season in the beginning because 'Duncan's don't sing' only to have Courtney and Gwen find him SINGING IN A BRITISH PUNK BAND A FEW EPISODES LATER. How the hell did he manage to get from Egypt to freaking London? Why was he singing if he doesn't like to do it? And more importantly, why did he come back all of a sudden head over heels for Gwen? When in the Manhunt episode before World Tour premiered, he and Courtney were madly in love? You can't just go from one love of your life to the next. The whole thing seemed so out of character. 

What if Duncan really did go home, only to have his evil British twin intersect him before he could even make it there!? 


Duncan groaned as he slowly came to. His head was pounding. It felt like someone had taken a metal rod to his skull. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was getting thrown off the plane and landing near a small town in the middle of the dessert. It had a bus station and that was about it. He was waiting outside, with his bus ticket in his hand when all of a sudden he was on the ground. A cloth being thrown over his mouth. Then something hard hit his head and everything went dark.

Duncan slowly opened his eyes, and flinched. A bright white light was glaring at him. He went to rub the blurry out of his eyes, but when he pulled on his arm he was jerked back. He grunted and sat up he blinked a few times to clear his eyes. He looked around.

He was laying on a metal cot, his arm attached to  heart monitor, his ankle was shackled to the cot, which was attached to the wall. He swallowed hard as he looked around. The room was all white light. With a strange looking glass wall, with holes in it. He could see out the glass and into a hallway. With rooms exactly like his all around him.

Where the hell am I?

Suddenly the room was erupted with a horrible sound of a girl sobbing. The kind of sobbing that would make your throat burn and your head pound. The kind of sobbing you only did when the worst thing has happened.

The speakers in the room made the sound louder. Duncan flinched and covered his ears with a curse. The crying sounded so familiar. But he couldn't quite put his finger on it. 

The sound ceased, and Duncan breathed hard as he slowly dropped his hands from his ears. He slowly looked at the glass door and gasped when he saw his own reflection staring at him through the glass. It was an exact replica of himself. Standing up, and leaning against the glass with his arms crossed in a lazy manner. 

"Boo!" the guy yelled, with a smirk. Duncan flinched and backed up on his cot to the wall. His heart monitor started beeping faster, and Duncan yanked the cuff off of his arm with a jerk. 

The guy slowly went over to a pad on the wall and typed in a code. The glass door to Duncan's cell slid open smoothly. Duncan watched as the man slowly walked into the cell. His hands behind his back. Still smirking the very same smirk Duncan had. 

"I don't even know what question to ask first..." Duncan mumbled, as he watched the other him grab a chair and sit lazily in it. Kicking his feet up on the bed. 

"Who are you??" Duncan asked. The guy laughed 

"Really?" he asked with a heavy British accent. "How hard did I hit you?" 

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