Follow Me

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Courtney swallowed hard as Duncan walked through the front door of their house, his posture frantic. His eyes big, as he looked around. 

"Where have you been?" Courtney snapped, slowly standing from her spot on the leather couch. Crossing her arms. Duncan froze and looked over at her slowly, and swallowed hard

"I gotta leave town," he said. Courtney's eyes bugged 

"What?" she yelped "Why? What have you done now?" 

Duncan walked over to her quickly, wiping his hands on his jeans nervously. 

"I had a run in with the police. And it's only a matter of time before they find me. Courtney I have to go. I'm sorry," Duncan said, quickly going upstairs, taking two at a time. She growled, and went right upstairs with him. 

"What the hell Duncan! You can't just disappear for hours and then suddenly come home and say you have to leave town!" she snapped, as he pushed open their bedroom door. She watched him open the closet and yank out an old suitcase, and began stuffing it with clothes. 

"Duncan!" she yelled, losing her patience "Will you please just tell me what's going on? I'm worried sick!"

"Don't be," was all he said as he kept stuffing the suitcase. She growled and walked over, and yanked the clothes from his hands and threw them to the floor. He shot her a glare

"Courtney I don't have time for this!" Duncan snapped, quickly picking them up again. Courtney watched him stuff his suitcase. Swallowing hard. 

"I can't do this again Duncan. The last time you left like this you were gone for months!" she said, her voice raising until it cracked. Duncan winced a little, but looked into her eyes

"Then come with me," he said suddenly. Courtney stared at him, stiff as a board

"What?"  she choked out "I'm not running from the police with you! I can't just pack up my stuff and leave Duncan, I have a life here. Friends here. Our families are here!"

"Don't you think I know that?" He said blandly, as he opened one of his dresser drawers and grabbed a few pairs of boxers. "But I have to run, otherwise I'll spend another few years in jail. And I can't do that, not again," 

"What have you done?" she cried "What did you do to make this have to be so rushed?"

"I wish I could tell you, Courtney. I really do, but I can't. Please Princess, just leave it at that," Duncan pleaded, as he shoved the boxers into the suitcase. Her legs felt weak, so she slowly sat down on the bed. Feeling tears come to her eyes. Duncan noticed this, and his face softened

"Please don't cry Princess," he whispered gently, kneeling down in front of her. He went to grab her hand but she snatched it away quickly, shooting him a glare

"Don't cry? How can I not cry! My husband is packing his things like he's not going to be home for a year and he's telling me he's done something so awful he has to flee town. Yeah. Crying is kinda bound to happen," she said, her voice breaking as she felt hot tears running down her cheeks

"Come with me, Courtney. Please. We can leave tonight, and go to Greece, just like how you always wanted. We can get plane tickets and be on a flight by midnight," Duncan said, his voice growing urgent. He was begging now. 

"I can't Duncan, I'll get fired from my job! I can't just go-"

"Please," Duncan urged. She looked into his eyes. Her heart breaking as the intensity behind them, his teal eyes were staring up at her. A hopeful, pleading look on his face. She swallowed a sob

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