After Pinewood Snippet

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This is a little sneak peak of my story in the works. This story takes place 7 years after Pinewood Academy. Hope you all enjoy!)

"Auntie Courtney!"

Courtney smiled big as she knelt down as 7-year-old Aiden ran into her arms. She hugged him close, snuggling his head into her neck.

"Oh my goodness, you need to stop growing, what is your mother feeding you?" Courtney said, looking up as Jess walked through the front door. Holding a few coloring books in her hands.

"Ugh, traffic here sucks," Jess said, closing the door behind her. Courtney stood back up, Aiden latching onto her leg. 

"I'm so glad you're here," Courtney sighed, hugging her sister close. Jess smiled and pushed Courtney's bangs out of her face

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. The release of your first album? Are you kidding?" Jess said. Courtney smiled proudly, and shrugged

"It only took 5 years," she said. 

Jess looked around, and smirked "Woah, you weren't kidding about this apartment. It's huge," she said, nodding in approval. Courtney nodded and led her sister down the hall to the spare bedroom 

"I figured you'd want your room right close to Aiden's. So he will be in the room right next door," Courtney said. Jess sighed in relief

"Thank you so much for letting us stay for a little while. It'll make planning the funeral much easier for the both of us," Jess said, reaching down and feeling the soft sheets on the bed. Courtney leaned against the doorframe and swallowed hard

"These next few weeks are going to be hard, but I'm glad you're here. I don't think I could handle it without you," Courtney said. Jess walked over and looked down at her younger sister

"I can't believe we're actually kinda sad Dad died," Jess confessed "I always thought when this day came I'd be... Relieved. But I feel-"

"Drained," Courtney finished for her. Jess sighed and nodded. 

"Figures he'd leave us in the middle of a shit show," Jess mumbled "It's so like him,"

Courtney looked down and watched as Aiden laid on the bed, coloring in his Toy Story coloring book. 

Jess slowly looked at her sister, and bit her lip "Have you... been paying attention to the tabloids?" she asked. 

Courtney stiffened a little and looked down "Yeah.. Kinda hard not to when you're mentioned in them all the time," 

Courtney and Jess walked back out into the kitchen. 

"I can't believe he's engaged," Jess said, shaking her head. Courtney turned away and poured herself a glass of wine 

"I really don't wanna talk about him... Please?" Courtney said. Jess nodded

"Yeah.. Sorry. It was rude of me to say anything. Of course you wouldn't wanna talk about him,"

Courtney swallowed a sip of her wine, looking down in the glass at the deep red liquid. She looked at her hand, where the tan line from her engagement ring was. 

"So I heard Gwen and Trent are trying to have kids?" Jess said, changing the subject. Courtney smiled and nodded 

"They've been trying for a year. Gwen called me and said she's going to see a fertility doctor tomorrow. She's on edge,"

"I can imagine," Jess said "What with Trent on his world tour and her art business booming I doubt she has any time for herself anymore,"

"Mommy," Aiden said, walking into the kitchen "Can I have a cookie?" he asked, eyeing the sweet treats on the counter.

"I don't know, they're Aunt Court's. Ask her," Jess said.

Aiden looked up at Courtney with his dark eyes. His dark hair growing in curly. 

He looks so much like his Father..

Courtney smiled "Of course. Skye made them, they're incredible,"

Aiden beamed and took one off the plate "thank you!"

"How is Skye doing?" Jess asked. Courtney shook her head

"Not well. She's getting worse as the days go on. They just changed up her meds again and it always messes with her. She goes back in for treatment next week," Courtney said, sitting at the table. Jess shook her head

"Jace is trying to be there for her as much as he can, but I can tell it's taking a lot out of him too. Having to watch your wife go through that has to be hard," Courtney said. Jess nodded and sat across from her at the table. 

Suddenly the sound of Aiden turning on the tv in the living room caught the girl's attention. It was on a new station, Celebrity Manhunt was on. 

"this just in! More news on the shocking engagement everyone is talking about. Duncan Evans and his now fiancée Sabrina were seen walking the Hollywood Strip together today. Sabrina's engagement ring shining on her finger-"

The TV went black, as Jess quickly grabbed the remote from her son and flicked it off. 

Courtney slowly pulled her sweater closer to herself, suddenly feeling very cold. 

A lot can happen in 7 years. 

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