It's The Simple Things

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Courtney slowly rolled over in bed, she outstretched her hand to feel for her husband. She opened her eyes when she felt that his side of the bed was empty, she sighed, disappointed. 

Courtney slowly sat up, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She checked the clock on the night stand. It was 9 in the morning, so Duncan must have gone to work by now. She just wished she had been able to see him when before he left. They had gotten into a pretty intense argument last night. And they went to bed still sour with each other. Not even kissing each other good night like usual. 

It had started when he got home from work, Courtney was sitting on the couch, watching her shows as he walked in. Already irritable from work, he sat down roughly next to her. Grumbling to himself. Courtney looked at him 

"So, Gwen told me a funny story today," Courtney said, turning towards him now. Duncan rubbed his temple a little but raised a brow. Telling her to continue 

"She said that when she got home from work, Trent was waiting for her. With a table set up with this meal he had cooked for her. And he even made her favorite dessert! How romantic is that?" she said. Duncan nodded a little, and tried picking the grease from under his nails

"Cool," he said. Courtney slumped her shoulders. She chewed on her lip a little

"How come you never do anything romantic like that?" she asked, Duncan dropped his hand and looked at her

"What are you talking about? I do romantic shit all the time," Duncan said. Courtney raised a brow

"Oh really?" she asked. Duncan sighed 

"Yeah, really. Look Courtney I'm really not in the mood for your shit tonight-"

"Excuse me?" Courtney snapped, standing up to face him. She put her hands on her hips. Duncan looked up at her, not moving from his spot on the couch

"Oh. I'm sorry my happiness is 'shit' to you. Sorry for wishing for husband who actually is romantic," she snapped, and walked out into the kitchen. Duncan stood up and followed her, unable to let her have the last word

"Maybe you should find a more romantic one then!" he snapped. Courtney slammed the fridge shut

"Maybe I will!" she snapped back. He growled and ran an exhausted hand down his face

"I'm taking a shower," was all he said before going upstairs. Courtney watched him leave, before slumping down in one of the chairs that was sitting at their table. She slowly put her chin in her hand, and let out a long sigh. 

They didn't speak for the rest of the night, and now, as Courtney got ready for her day without a good morning kiss from her husband, she felt like crap. 

Courtney got out of the shower and got dressed. She was in the middle of brushing out her hair when her phone went off. It was Bridgette. 

"hey Bridge," Courtney said once she answered. 

"Wait.. I detect your sad voice. I don't like the sad voice," Bridgette teased into the phone. Courtney tried to smile, but she couldn't lift her cheeks all the way. 

"Meet me at Starbucks in half an hour. And you can tell Bridgette all about it," Bridgette said, and hung up. Courtney stared at her screen and smiled a little. 

"Oh my goodness! That's awful! He didn't even kiss you good night?" Bridgette said, as the two sat at their favorite table in the coffee shop. Sipping at their cappuccinos. Courtney nodded with a sigh

"I just feel... Under appreciated sometimes," Courtney said, staring down at her drink. Her eyes slowly crept to the wedding band sitting perfectly on her finger. 

"I guess he doesn't love you," Bridgette said suddenly. Courtney looked up at her quickly

"Wait, what?" she asked, Bridgette looked at her, her lips thin

"I never said he doesn't love me! He loves me to death!" Courtney said. Bridgette cocked her head to the side

"How do you know? If he's never romantic?" she asked. Courtney sputtered and looked around

"Duncan is the type of person who doesn't like showing emotion. He doesn't do big things to show me he loves me. It's all the little things. Like when he knows we're low on milk, so he doesn't make himself cereal just so I have enough milk for my waffles. Or when he lets me take the first shower, to make sure I have hot water. Or when it's the middle of December, and he puts my towel in the dryer to make sure it's nice and warm for me when I get out of the shower," Courtney's lips slowly turned up at the corners. The first actually smile she had made all day. 

"It's in the way he looks at me. He doesn't think I notice, but I do. It's the way he always lets me talk about my day first when he gets home from work, even though he's had a rough day. Or the way he downloads both his rock music and my classical music on his phone. Because he knows I love classical music, and that I hate his rock. And how he only plays my classical music when we're in the car together. It's the way he always makes sure I call him when ever I travel, so he knows I landed safely... Duncan loves me. It's not in the big things. It's the simple things," Courtney's eyes slowly looked at Bridgette. Who was sitting back against her chair, a knowing smirk at her lips. 

Courtney slowly thought about it for a second. Before her eyes slowly looked back up at Bridgette

"Sounds like you have some things to talk about with him," she said, slowly taking a sip of her drink. Courtney stood up quickly, and grabbed her purse

"You're right. Thank you Bridgette! You always know what to say!" Courtney called to her as she ran out of the coffee shop. 

Bridgette slowly sighed, and looked around the shop. 

"Glad I could help," she mumbled to herself. 

Courtney looked up as she saw Duncan's truck pull into their driveway. She slowly stood up, from her spot on the front steps. He looked at her confused as he got out of his truck

"Princess? What are you-"

Courtney didn't let him finish, because she ran down the steps and threw her arms around his neck. He caught her, only stumbling a little. 

"I'm sorry for saying you should be more romantic," she whispered, looking up into his eyes. Duncan held her close, and slowly sighed

"No, you were right. I could be a little more romantic," Duncan said quietly. Courtney held a finger up to his lips, he raised a brow at her

"No," Courtney whispered "I love you just the way you are now," and the two kissed. He carried her inside, not breaking the connection his lips had on her's the entire way. 

To most girls, Duncan was the least romantic person in the world. But to her, he was the most romantic person in the world. Because it was never the big things. 

It's always the simple things. 

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