Deleted Episode Part 2

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"We aren't trying to cause panic, but this is an emergency. We don't know where either of them could be, and we don't know how much trouble they could be in," the officer said. Zoey whimpered and burst out crying again. 

Gwen swallowed hard as she watched her boyfriend. Duncan was pacing around the tent. 

"We need all the help we can get-"

"I'll help," Duncan said, stepping forward quickly. Nearly shoving Gwen aside with his force on accident. She gulped and stumbled back a little. And watched as Duncan and the officer talked quietly together

"You don't understand," Duncan said "I have to find her,"

"Duncan, calm down. I'm sure the officers know what they're doing-" Gwen started

"No!"  Duncan snapped at her. Cutting her off. Gwen stiffened and narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Wow," Heather smirked "He seems to be taking this pretty hard for someone who hates Courtney," she mumbled, leaning into Gwen for a reaction. 

Gwen just turned on her heel and walked out of the tent with a huff. 

Courtney slowly opened her eyes with a groan in agony. Her body was aching everywhere. She tasted her coppery blood in her mouth. She smelled dirt. She slowly tried looking around but yelped in pain, her neck was so stiff. 

"Help," she croaked. But it barely registered as anything more than a squeak. She let her eyes adjust a little more, and she saw she was laying on the dirt floor of a building. The walls looked to be made out of wood. Broken down and beaten. Whatever building this was it was very, very old. She smelled mildew and her blood. She looked down at her body and gasped when she saw her sweater was ripped open, and the edges were dried with blood. She had a deep laceration on her stomach, and her nose had been bleeding. Maybe even broken. Her head hurt, and her hair Had dried blood in it. 

Did I accidentally trip on my walk?

She pulled the twigs out of her hair, and that's when she saw the dried blood under her nails. 

"What.." she whispered, as the memories rushed back to her. 

Courtney sighed in her bed. She had been tossing and turning most of the night, wishing for sleep so she didn't have to think about Gwen and Duncan sharing a bunk. It didn't come.

I can't sleep like this..

She slowly sat up, and looked around. Everyone was sleeping soundly in the cabin. She looked over at Duncan's bunk, his green mohawk sticking out from under his blanket. But the good news is that Gwen was still in her own bunk, across the cabin. 

She quietly got out of bed, and grabbed her wedges from under her bed. She had gotten into the habit of sleeping with clothes on, now with the shared gender cabins she couldn't stand the thought of Duncan or anyone seeing her in her PJs. 

She looked around one more time, making sure everyone was asleep before quietly slipping out of the cabin to go for one of her almost routine nightly walks. 

Wawanakwa Island was actually quite peaceful when everyone else was asleep. No challenges to worry about. No loud Chris. No Gwen. No Duncan. 

That last part wasn't exactly true. She found herself thinking about him a lot lately. And how he always used to go on these walks with her when she couldn't sleep.

She was so busy with her thoughts that she completely missed the sound of footsteps coming up behind her. Suddenly Courtney was shoved roughly to the ground. Her face flying into the dirt. She cried out when she felt her nose hit the ground hard, causing it to bleed. 

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