Ice Skating...?

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Courtney swallowed a hard lump in her throat as she looked at the large ice rink in front of her. She pulled her purple jumper closer to her, and made sure her earmuffs were snug on her head.

"2 pairs of skates, please," Duncan said to the man in the booth. He nodded and turned around, and Courtney slowly walked over to her boyfriend. 

"You never said anything about ice skating..." Courtney said, anxiously rubbing her arms. Duncan leaned a casual arm on the booth and smirked at her

"You afraid I'm better than you?" he teased, she glared at him and crossed her arms

"You wish," she snapped, and grabbed her pair of skates as the man set them on the counter, Duncan tipped the man, and with a nod, he grabbed his skates and followed his girlfriend over to the benches set up around the rink. They sat down and took their shoes off, sliding their skates on.

Courtney looked back at the rink, and tried not to let her intimidation show too much. She had never skated before, and she had watched enough hockey to know how dangerous it was. 

When Duncan had showed up unexpected at her house tonight, saying he was taking her out, this is the last thing she had expected. She never even knew Duncan could skate!

"Come on, Princess. Seems how you're so sure you're better than me," Duncan drawled, and she watched in amazement as he slid out onto the ice, his skates balancing perfectly. He skated around the rink a little, and slowly halted to look at her. He slowly crossed his arms when he saw she hadn't moved from the bench. 

"You know you gotta stand, to skate... Right?" he said. She glared at him and he watched her slowly stand up. Her eyes went wide when she lost her balance, and squeaked as she slid down and landed harshly onto her butt. 

"Ouch!" she yelped. Duncan chuckled and slowly skated over, Courtney looked up at him as he held a hand down to her. She slowly took it and he helped her up to her feet. 

"You've never done this before, have you?" Duncan asked her. Courtney slowly bit her lip and blushed sheepishly.

"My parents think skating is too dangerous for me," she confessed. Duncan rolled his eyes and slowly slid to stand behind her.

"So it's best to keep your knees bent slightly, and your feet shoulders width apart. That way you have better balance," He instructed. Courtney felt his warm hands on her shoulders, and she relaxed slightly. Bending her knees, and spreading her feet a little

"Have you ever ridden a scooter before?" he asked.

"Of course I have. I don't live under a rock you know," Courtney mused, Duncan smirked

"So that's exactly what you want to do. Push off the ice with one foot at a time. Gently at first, like your riding a scooter," Duncan slowly moved in front of her, and she watched him skate slowly. Moving one foot at a time.

Courtney swallowed hard once again and slowly pushed off with one foot, her hands outstretched on either side of her. She smiled when she was able to get 3 good skates in.

Before losing balance once again, and falling onto her already sore rump. 

"Ugh!" Courtney cried "I can't do it. Let's just go home.." she looked down at the ice, feeling defeated.

Duncan tilted his head to one side, and skated over to her, he slowly knelt down. And gently brought her face to look up at him.

"No one is here to judge you, Princess. No parents, no friends from school.  Just me. And I'm going to work with you until you got this down. I know you can do it sweetheart. Please?" Duncan said quietly to her. Courtney looked around the rink. He was right, no one she knew was around. She didn't have to worry about failing a few times and be judged by the people around. Everyone had to learn to skate somehow, right?

"O-okay," she whimpered, and he helped her up once again. Duncan this time, took a hold of her hand, holding it strongly. Letting her know he'd catch her if she fell. 

"One step at a time," Duncan said. And the two moved the same foot together, pushing off together. 

And eventually, the two were skating laps around the rink, laughing. Joking, and just have a great time. 

"Hey you kids, the rink is going to be closing here in a few!" the man from the booth told Courtney and Duncan a few hours later. The two were having a race, to see who could complete 5 laps first.

"Thanks!" Duncan called back, the man nodded and slowly turned back to reading a magazine.

They were the only two left skating, everyone else had gone home sometime ago. 

"Alright Court, I think it's time to go-"

"Aw come on Dunkie! Just a few more minutes?" Courtney pleaded, skidding to a halt next to him. He smiled at her, thinking she looked so beautiful with a red blush at her nose and cheeks from the cold. 

"Okay... Five more minutes, then we go back to my place and get some hot cocoa, but don't come crying to me if you catch a cold!" Duncan smiled, and took her hand once again. The two skated together around the rink. 

And later that night, when they were snuggled up by the fire, sipping their hot cocoa, Duncan watched as Courtney slowly sneezed a few times into a tissue in her hand. She raised her onyx eyes to look at him

"Why on Earth  did you let me stay out in the cold for that long!"

Duncan could only shake his head. 

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