An Unexpected Message

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You have two new messages

Duncan sighed a little as he listened to the monotone voice speak to him through his phone's speaker. He had finally gotten sick of the small icon beeping on the bottom of his screen. Indicating he had a new voicemail. He had been able to ignore it for a few days, but finally he gave in and decided to take a listen. 

Message number 1

"Hello Mr. Evans!" came an annoyingly bubbly voice through the speaker "It's Brittany from Celebrity Manhunt, and I was wondering if you'd do an interview-"

Message deleted

Duncan sighed and rolled his eyes. Ever since World Tour ended, his inbox seemed to be filling daily with some reporter or another wanting an interview with him. He always declined. He wanted this whole fame thing behind him. Had no intention of doing another season on that hell hole called Total Drama. 

Message number 2

Duncan slowly moved his thumb towards the delete button, ready to get rid of this message, sure it was just another reporter slime ball wanting to exploit him-

"Hey Duncan," came a feminine voice through his speaker. Duncan's face blanched a little, and he sat up a little on his bed. His thumb moving away from the delete button. He swallowed hard. That voice belonged to the last person he'd ever expected a call from. 


"It's Courtney. I'm only saying who it is in case you've deleted my number," there was a weak laugh "Well, why wouldn't you have deleted my number? I bet it was one of the first things you did once we got back from the show," her voice sounded so different. So tired. So bland.

So unlike Courtney

"I'm not really sure why I called, actually. Maybe a small part of me just wanted to see if you'd answer. Maybe a smaller part of me just wanted to hear your voice again," 

Duncan slowly ran a shaky hand through his hair. Courtney wanted to hear his voice? Why? Last time he checked those two weren't exactly on speaking terms. He would have thought she never wanted to hear his voice again. Never wanted anything to do with him again. At least, that's what he  thought he  wanted. Thought he'd never want to see her face again. Never want to hear her voice in his head or his ear ever again. Never want to think about her again. He was happy. He had Gwen now. Why wouldn't he be happy?

So why was he sitting here, listening to her message with sweaty palms and a racing heart? Why did the sound of her voice give him a pain in his heart he'd never felt before? 

More importantly, why was he silently begging her to keep talking, so he could savor her voice?

"I'm not really sure what you're going to do once you get this message. Maybe you'll see it's from me and delete it without listening. Maybe you'll laugh at how pathetic I sound. Hell, maybe you'll even save it to listen to later like I do with your last messages," he heard a small sound over the line, like a sniffle. Was she crying?

"I don't really know what I expected when I called. What, that you'd pick up, and we'd talk for hours on end about mindless things like old times? I should know better. That's just the thing, isn't it? It's not like old times. It'll never be like that again. I'll never be able to call you and hear your voice say I love you before we hung up. I'll never be able to hear your teases, or your nick names. Or hear you call me Princess again. And I think that's what's hitting me most," Courtney hiccuped a little, her voice catching. She laughed weakly again "I know what you're thinking. You're asking yourself 'how the hell is a strong girl like Courtney so heartbroken by a boy?' well, you always told me I should let down my walls more often. That I'd be more likable if I did. And I did let my walls down, for you. It was always for you. And this is me, letting my walls down one last time,"

Duncan closed his eyes slowly, and felt a stinging in the back of his throat. Was he about to cry? No. Duncan didn't cry. 

But damn it, hearing someone as strong as a girl like Courtney break down like this was really getting to him. 

"I don't know if you're still listening, or if you'll ever hear this message. But I don't care, as long as I know I said it, out loud, I think I'll be okay. I just... Wanted you to know that.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Duncan. For the way things ended between us. For the way things played out. I'm sorry for never noticing how rocky our relationship was, before it was too late. I'm sorry for not saying I loved you enough, I'm sorry for not being the girlfriend that I bet Gwen is," Courtney let out a weak sob, but she sucked in a breath "I can live with myself, as long as I know I've said this to you. Even if you never hear it. It hurts, seeing you with her. I don't think it'll ever not hurt. But when I see you two together I can't help but notice how happy you are. I see you smile more now. So...What I'm trying to say is, that as long as you're happy, as long as she makes you happy, I can live with knowing that. As long as you didn't throw away every thing we had for nothing. As long as it was worth it. I can live with you being happy with her, even if it's not with me,"

Duncan felt hot tears slowly spill down his cheeks. He stared at the wall, his heart aching so badly he could feel the pain in every ounce of his body. 

"I'm pretty sure the machine is going to cut me off here soon, so I'll wrap up. Duncan, I.. I love you. And I'm damn sure I'll keep loving you until I take my last breath. Even though you probably hate me, hate every thing about me now, I still love you. So.. I'll go. I'll let you be happy without me. As long as you are happy, I'll be okay. I'll be okay eventually," Courtney slowly let out a long breath, and Duncan stared down at his phone

"Goodbye, Duncan," Courtney whispered, and the message ended. 

End of new messages. Press 2 to delete, or press 3 to save this message

Duncan slowly closed his eyes again, and grabbed his phone. He looked down and opened his eyes. His thumb slowly drifted over the buttons. 

And pushed one

Duncan slowly set his phone on his nightstand and laid back against his bed. Staring up at the plain white ceiling of his bedroom, and smiled weakly.   

He had pressed 3

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