I Love You, You Love Her

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Courtney flipped through her book while laying on her bunk, she had one leg casually resting up on the foot of the bunk, and a hand laying on her stomach. She was focused intently on the words in front of her. And was humming a little. She didn't notice the trailer door opening and a delinquent slip inside. 

But when a pair of huge hands slipped down and yanked the book out of her hand, she let out a shocked yelp. Sitting up quickly into a defensive position, she only slumped her shoulders when she saw a smirking Duncan looking up at her. Her book dangling casually in his hand

"You know, Princess, the rest of us are outside. Enjoying the only free day we might have for a long time. And you're in here reading a boring book. Typical," he teased. Courtney rolled her eyes and tried reaching down and snatching the book, but he was too quick. 

Duncan clicked his tongue and shook his head "Too slow, Princess," 

"Ugh," she snorted "Stop calling me that. It's demeaning," she said. Duncan chuckled a little and gently set the book down 

"You know, I'm quite impressed with your ambition. Using your lawyers to snag a spot in this season? Damn. I knew you wanted to win, but I didn't expect that," he said. Courtney sighed a little 

"Yeah well I deserve to be here. Seems how I was unfairly kicked off the Island. I deserve a second chance. Stupid Harold," she seethed, Duncan's eyes narrowed a little.

"Yeah, stupid Harold," he grumbled to himself. Duncan looked up at her, she was sitting with her back against the wall of the trailer. Her long tan legs hanging off the side of the bed. Her skin looked too good not to touch.

Duncan slowly reached forward and wrapped his cold fingers around her ankle, causing her to gasp a little and glare at him 

"Duncan, your fingers are freezing!" she whined. He chuckled and winked up at her

"Why don't I warm them up?" he purred. Courtney stuttered as he began climbing the ladder to her bunk. He prowled over to her, his teal eyes locked on her. Like she was his prey.

"I don't think I've gotten any attention really from you at all so far, Princess," Duncan whispered into her ear. Causing goosebumps to riddle her arms. He moved in closer, now sitting next to her. 

"Duncan..." she warned, nudging him a little. He breathed down her neck as he gently moved a piece of her brown hair away from her smooth skin. 

"I want attention from my girl.. I want all  her attention," Duncan whispered, as he leaned down and began trailing butterfly kisses up and down her neck. Courtney gripped her sheets roughly 

"N-No," she whimpered "I'm still angry with you about the whole Gwen thing.." 

Duncan bit down roughly onto her neck, causing her to jump

"I told you, Princess, she means nothing to me. You're my girl. Not her, we're just friends" he purred into her ear. Courtney slowly looked over and into his teal eyes. They were intense. Serious. 

"Can't I just be glad to have you back?" he whispered, now continuing his kisses as he unbuttoned the top buttons of her sweater. Once the skin was exposed he attacked it with his lips. Courtney bit her tongue to keep from moaning.

"Duncan..." she breathed "The cameras," 

"I don't give a shit about them. All I care about is you right now," Duncan said. Grabbing her chin and kissing her roughly. Courtney melted into him, as his strong arms wrapped around her. She kissed him back with just as much passion as he had kissed her. Duncan seemed to like her response because he grabbed her hips and pulled her up. So she was now straddling him as he lay back against her pillows. Their lips still connected. He gently ran his tongue across her bottom lip, and the movement made her relax completely. Her mind vanished all thoughts of the invading cameras, and were filled with Duncan and what he could do to her. 

As Duncan's hand slid up her sweater vest, all her breath was sucked out of her body. As he pulled away and began kissing her neck again. 

"God I love you," Duncan breathed. Loving how she responded to him touching her. She made a sound of pleasure as his hand unhooked her bra from under her sweater. 

"Duncan," she whispered breathlessly as he yanked her sweater over her head. Her brown hair falling down around her shoulders. Duncan buried his fingers in it as he kissed her hard once again. 

And wondered how some girl ever could have made him this happy. 

Gwen sighed in the lounge of the Aftermath show. Her back pressed firmly against the red couch, her sketchpad dangling in her lap. As her pale fingers fiddled with her short hair. 

Courtney was back on the show. Great. 

The episode had aired today, where she apparently had used her lawyers to gain access to the second season. Gwen had only shook her head. She was booted out fair and square. She didn't deserve to be in this season. Especially so close to Duncan again. It just wasn't fair!

Gwen shook her head. What the hell was she thinking? Duncan was just a friend. That's it. 

But she felt, that lately, the more she told herself that, she less she believed it to be true. She felt things towards Duncan that you shouldn't feel with your friends. 

And Gwen had thought he felt the same. Duncan had even convinced her to leave Trent! Was it all just some sick joke? She had Duncan all to herself, and then that bitchy CIT had to return and ruin everything. Ugh. 

Gwen shook her head, and growled. Courtney didn't even deserve Duncan. She was always trying to change him!

She had to admit. The two had chemistry. A lot of it. Gwen wished that Duncan would look at her with those intense teal eyes like he always did Courtney. Wished he'd hold her like he did her. Wished he loved her like he loved Courtney. 

Gwen looked up as she heard Bridgette and Geoff walking down the hallway, past the lounge.

"Oh my gosh," Bridgette squealed "I hope Courtney and Duncan work things out. They belong together!" 

"Totally. Duncan and I were talking over the phone, and he said that he's going to make a move on her today. He told me he really thinks she could be the one, that he might even love her," Geoff said. His words stabbing through Gwen like a knife. Love her. He loves her. 

As the voices vanished down the hall, a new one came about. And Gwen sat up right, it was Trent's. He was laughing. 

"OMG Sadie, Trent is so flirty!" Katie's annoyingly high pitched voice squealed. Gwen looked over and winced when she saw Trent walk by with his arms around Sadie and Katie. 

For a moment, Trent's mossy green eyes met her charcoal ones. Gwen's heart stopped, and she held her breath. But felt deflated when he simply looked away and continued to walk down the hall. His loyal followers clinging to his hips. 

Gwen felt sick. She threw her sketchpad off her lap, and held her head in her hands. Her heart aching. 

Her former flame was cozying up to some bimbos. And her now flame was probably all over his real girlfriend. 

Either way she just couldn't win. Gwen loved Duncan, but Duncan loved Courtney.

And it was that moment, that she decided to never go near that again. She'd rather have Duncan happy with who he was with now, than have to settle for her. She was going to let things play out however they wanted. Gwen would be left alone in the dust, while they were perfectly happy together.

Gwen squeezed her eyes shut, and let out a weak cry.

And wondered how some guy ever could have made her this sad. 

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