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"I'm gazing upward,

To a world I can't explain,

There's only thorns and splinters,

Venom in my veins,

It's okay to cry out,

When it's driving you insane,

But somehow, someday,

I'll have to face the pain,"

Courtney had never really been a dancer before. She always thought it was a waste of a stage, she'd rather be up there playing her violin, rather than doing twists and turns in a small tight costume. Especially knowing Heather did it. It made her hate it all the more. 

But while walking back from a long walk on the beach, she came across Heather dancing in the woods behind the cabins on the Island. She was wearing her small pink tutu and matching pink tank top, doing all of these gorgeous turns and tricks she had never really seen before. Her now long again black hair hung loosely down her back, whipping in the wind as she did these amazing turns. Her face was focused, small sweat droplets hung on her temple, her breathing was slightly labored. 

As soon as the gorgeous girls' black eyes spotted Courtney hanging by the left a little, she fell out of her turn and stumbled a little. And shot the other girl a glare

"What are you doing? Can't you see I wanna be alone when I do this?" Heather snapped. Placing her hand on her hip, quite like what Courtney did when ever she herself was annoyed. Courtney knew the gesture well.

"Oh well, I was just.. Coming back from a walk and spotted you back here." Courtney said, with a shrug. Heather glared at her a few seconds longer, when suddenly she let out a sigh. Dropping her hand from her waist like she was too weak to hold it there anymore. She nodded and slowly turned back around. Pressing the pause button on the small music player she had brought.

Courtney squinted her eyes in suspicion. Heather had been off lately. She rarely ever backed down from any argument, she hadn't insulted her today. Which was a huge give away that something was up. 

"Are.." Courtney said, scratching her head "Are you okay?" 

Heather looked at her and rolled her eyes "Yes, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Well... Seems how I'm standing before you in a pair of sweat pants and you haven't insulted me yet, I got worried," Courtney sneered. Heather sighed and slowly sat down on a rock near by.

"It's just.... Ever since Alejandro came back I've been thinking a lot more about him and I. And what we used to be before.. Everything happened." Heather mumbled, Courtney gently nodded a little, and kicked at the ground with her sneaker. 

"Yeah, I understand that perfectly," Courtney said, her own voice going quieter. She knew exactly how Heather felt at the moment. Ever since the new season of All Stars started, she found herself thinking more and more about Duncan every day.

She had thought her feelings about what happened between them had gone away. She thought that aching feeling in her stomach every time she thought about it had fled, along with her feelings of betrayal by Gwen. But as soon as she saw them again, all those feelings came bubbling to the surface once again. Every time she saw them share a kiss, or hold hands, she flinched and looked away. 

Duncan was a bullet wound she had tried to cover with a band-aid. 

"I'm begging for forgiveness, 

For everything I've done,

If God is listening, 

He knows I'm not the only one,

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