A Night To Remember

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"Late again, Mr. Evans," 

Duncan scoffed and rolled his eyes as he leaned forward and grabbed the detention slip out of his 5th period English teacher's hand. He stuffed the tiny green slip into his pocket and ran a hand through his black hair. 

"That's the third detention you've received this month, do I need to contact your parents?" Mr. Robins asked. Crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at the teenage boy. Duncan was too busy fumbling with the zipper on his leather jacket to listen to his question. Mr Robins growled and cleared his throat rather loudly, causing Duncan to give the guy a lazy look

"Good luck with my parents. They're in Columbia on business. And if they aren't even answering my calls, they sure as shit won't answer yours," Duncan said, rolling his eyes and walking out of the classroom. 

Mr. Robins sighed and shook his head as he watched the young man go. He looked at his calendar on the wall "Only 2 months until he graduates, Robins. Only 2 months," 

Duncan hiked up his backpack further up his shoulder as he walked down the hall. Students were quick to move out of his way, they knew he was in no mood to be messed with today.

Duncan smirked to himself as he turned the corner and saw his girlfriend leaning casually against the lockers. Her head stuffed into some book. Duncan walked over, slipping his arm around her shoulders.

"Hey gorgeous," he purred. She rolled her eyes and shrugged his arm off, shaking her head

"I'm not really in the mood today, Duncan," she sighed. Duncan raised a brow

"Why? What's wrong Gwen?" he asked. Gwen sighed and looked away

"Nothing. Look I'm just gonna get to class. I have a test in English today. See ya," Gwen said, barely blowing him a kiss before rushing down the hall and turning the corner. 

Duncan watched her go, narrowing his eyes. He sighed loudly and turned to walk away, when he smacked right into another person. Sending their books flying across the hallway.

"Fuck!" he cursed, glaring at the person "Watch where you're going," 

The person swallowed hard and looked up at him. Her big brown eyes wide behind her black rimmed glasses. She quickly pushed her glasses up her nose and hugged her sweater closer 

"Sorry, I'm such an idiot," the girl sighed, shaking her head at herself. Duncan looked the girl up and down, not recognizing her. She had shoulder length brown hair, light tan skin, freckles. Her eyes were big behind her geeky glasses. She wore a lilac sweater vest with dark blue jeans. 

"No..' he sighed, bending down to pick up her stuff "I'm the idiot. Sorry for snapping, it's just not the best day," 

The girl swallowed hard and knelt down to help him pick up her stuff "I'm sorry to hear that," she said gently. Duncan almost smiled at her voice. It sounded so soft, so innocent.

"I don't think I've ever seen you before, what's your name?" Duncan asked. The girl blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear

"My name is Courtney. I'm in your 5th period English class.. And your 2nd period Chem. And gym..." she said, slightly embarrassed. Duncan facepalmed a little

"Fuck! That's right. You're the goody goody," he mused, standing up to hand her the last of her books. Courtney huffed and took her books

"I am not a goody goody. I just prefer to follow the rules," she said. He chuckled. 

"But following the rules is boring," he said. Courtney bent down and picked up a crumbled green piece of paper off of the floor. She opened it and rolled her eyes. She tossed it back at him

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