Stay The Night

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"It's really coming down isn't it, Lucky?" Courtney said, as she stared out the large window in her apartment's living room. Her small tabby cat purred as he gently stroked it's dark gray body against her legs. She smiled down at him and bent down. Picking him up and holding him close she cooed to him as she walked out into her kitchen and set him down to refill his food dish. Lucky made himself busy with cleaning himself as she walked over to her pantry and pulled out his food. Courtney hummed a little as she refilled his dish. Lucky gave her another purr before prancing over and hunching over his dish.

Courtney jumped a little when another loud clap of thunder came through the house. She looked out her small kitchen window to see the rain pelting the window harshly, every now and again a streak of lightning would flash across the sky. She sighed a little and walked back to her small living room and slumped down on the couch. Trying to block out the massive storm that was outside. She grabbed her TV remote and flicked on the large flat screen she had bought herself with her new paycheck from the law firm. And began flicking through channels.

She had just settled on The Notebook when there was a loud racket just outside of her front door. Courtney looked over sharply, and swallowed hard. Her eyes flicked to the clock on her wall to see it was 11 at night. 

She slowly stood up, soothing out her soft cashmere sweater and walked over to her front door. But not before grabbing a fire poker from in front of her fireplace. She held it up as she flung the door open, raising it quickly-

Only to come face to face with a striking, undeniable pair of teal eyes. Ones she's looked into hundreds of times. Ones she thought she'd never have to see again. 

Duncan was standing before her, a frantic look on his face. He wore a bright orange jumpsuit with a number printed on it. His eyes widened slowly when he finally took in what he was seeing. But then they slowly traveled up to the sharp iron stick she was holding at ready, and swallowed hard.

"Hey, Courtney," he said, trying to sound casual. Courtney slumped a little, dropping the stick at her side. Her eyes went from wide and shocked to narrow and pissed

"Ugh, what do you want? Get out of my apartment building, you ogre," she snapped. He grew frantic again

"Courtney, please. You have to let me in-"

"What?!" she shouted, cutting him off "You have no business telling me what to do in my own home!" her face flushed red, as anger boiled over inside her. Duncan held his hands up

"Princess, please," he pleaded. She scoffed

"Get lost," she hissed and went to slam the door in his face, but he stuck his booted foot in before she could. Courtney let out a frustrated yell

"If you don't move your foot this instant, I swear I'll chop it off with a kitchen knife!" she said. Duncan grunted and shoved the door open. Courtney stumbled back a little, and glared harshly at him as he entered her house. Slamming the door behind him, she watched him lock all the locks and stare out the peephole. 

Courtney took this advantage, slowly reached forward to grab the iron fire poker-

"Don't even think about it," Duncan said, turning around to eye her. She growled and stomped her foot. 

"I swear, you have exactly one minute to explain to me what the hell is going on before I grab that poker and shove it where you wouldn't want it shoved," she threatened. Duncan swallowed hard, and backed up a little. There was never any doubt about it. Courtney was scary when she was angry. 

Duncan slowly looked around her apartment, before meeting her eyes "I'm running from the police," he said simply. Courtney's eyes went wide. Before she rolled them

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