Back To December

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Courtney sighed to herself in her dorm room. She was reading To Kill A Mockingbird for the hundredth time. She could resit every famous line in it. It kept her busy, when she had all of her assignments turned in for the night. It also always seemed to make her sleepy, and she needed a lot of sleep lately. 

Courtney looked up as her roommate, Nicole walked into the room. A towel wrapped around her still wet skin, her long black hair was hanging in damp waves down her back. 

"You're reading that book again?" Nicole asked, looking at the book in Courtney's tan hands, as she went over to her dresser. Courtney looked down at the book as the other girl dropped her towel and began getting dressed. 

"Did you expect anything else?" Courtney said, with a small smile. Nicole smiled back as she pulled on an adorable purple knit sweater and a warm pair of fleece-lined leggings. Nicole pulled her hair up and twisted it into a perfect messy bun.

"I still can't believe you're not going to the annual campus Christmas Party," Nicole whined, as she slid on a pair of knee high socks, and a pair of black knee high boots. 

"I just wasn't feeling it this year. I went last year though," Courtney pointed out, setting her book down, Nicole sighed and wrapped a black scarf around her neck.

"Besides, it's freezing out."Courtney said. Nicole rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse off of the bed post

"You don't mind being alone tonight?" she asked, eyeing the other girl. Courtney slowly nodded

"I'll be fine, go ahead. Bring me back some cookies!" Courtney called to her as she left. Nicole gave her a thumbs up before closing the door behind her. 

As soon as the door shut, Courtney looked down at the open book in her hands, and slowly closed it. She let out a small sigh as she stood up and placed the book on her dresser. Courtney bit her inner lip, and looked at the door. Checking to make sure Nicole wouldn't walk in unexpectedly. Once she knew she was in the clear, Courtney slowly knelt down and opened the bottom drawer to her dresser. She shuffled a few pieces of clothing to the side. Her eyes slowly softened when she found what she was looking for, and clutched it tightly in her hand. She slowly closed the drawer and walked back over to her bed.

Courtney slowly sat down and scooted over to the window that was right next to her bed. The silver moonlight shining on her as she did. It was only 7 at night, but it was also mid December. She slowly looked down at her hand that was clutching the small object, and slowly uncurled her fingers. 

Looking back up at her was the tiny skull Duncan had carved for her on Total Drama Island. Smirking at her, it's big black eyes were looking into her onyx ones. She slowly leaned her head against the window, and slowly brought the skull up and held it tightly against her heart. She slowly shut her eyes tightly, and felt tears begin to fall down her cheeks. 

She hated it whenever it started getting close to Christmas. It only made her think of him more. And how just last year they had spent the Holiday together. Cuddled up together in front of her fireplace, watching old Christmas movies, munching away on cookies and candy canes.

It was hard to believe that this very time last year, they had been so happy. So in love. 

And then Total Drama World Tour came along, and she saw her happiness shatter before her very eyes. Taken from her and thrown out the side of the plane like many of the other contestants. 

Courtney slowly let out a stifled sob, and opened her eyes. She looked out at the dark winter night. She never wished so badly to see him standing out there. Waving up to her, smirking that stupid smirk he always did. And looking at her with those beautiful teal eyes. 

She would run downstairs, and open the front door, and run through the freezing night. Throwing herself into his arms, hold him close. Breathe in his musky scent, feel the scruff on his chin scrape against her neck. Like it always did when they hugged. 

He'd hold her close, tell her how much he'd missed her. How much he was sorry. How much he still loved her. 

Courtney slowly closed her eyes again, blinking away more tears as they came. She knew those moments would never come. He was with her  now. 

Duncan wasn't her's anymore. And Courtney wasn't his. 

She never realized how much she really missed him until the calendar turned to December. Until the snow began to fall, the nights got shorter. She never realized how much she ached to have him laying next to her in bed. Holding her close, keeping her warm from the bitter air of winter. To throw snowballs at, to make snow angels with. Courtney missed the way he'd always add too much hot cocoa mix to her milk. Making it a pasty mess. She missed his burnt gingerbread cookies.

She missed the way he'd hold her extra close during those sappy Christmas movies, and the way he loved her mint perfume she only used in December. 

But now she couldn't even think about any of those things. She hadn't touched hot cocoa all winter, her perfume was shoved in a box under her bed. Whenever those Christmas movies came on she'd be sure to change them. Those things were all theirs. She couldn't think about any of them without Duncan by her side.

And now he was probably making her  hot cocoa. Making her  burnt gingerbread cookies. Loving the way she  smelled of mint. Holding her close while they  watched all those Christmas moves. 

She never realized how cold December nights really could be, without Duncan sleeping next to her. 

Courtney slowly looked down at the small skull in her hands, and slowly held it close to her heart again.

"Where did we go so wrong?" she whispered to herself. Her eyes slowly drifted back out the window, it had began snowing. Beautiful ice crystals falling from the sky like the tears falling from her eyes. 

I miss you Duncan Evans. God I miss you. 

And what hurt the most? 

Was knowing he didn't miss her back. 

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