End Of The Summer

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Courtney sighed as she grabbed her suitcase out of her closet in her room at the resort. Setting it on the bed, she opened it and began carefully folding her clothes and stuffing them in the suitcase. 

Now that she had lost her chance for the million dollars, and her chance for getting on season two, she just wanted to go home. She was glad this was their last night here before they were all sent home. To see their families for a few weeks before the filming of season two started back up. 

Courtney walked over and pulled open the top drawer of her dresser, and swallowed hard when the small wooden skull Duncan had carved for her stared back up at her. She gently set the thing on her nightstand and grabbed the clothes out of her drawer. 

Yes, she was sad she wasn't going to be competing in season two. Sad she lost out on a million dollars, but she was more sad that Duncan would be leaving in a few weeks to film, while she was stuck at home. Hundreds of miles away from him. Having to watch him through a television screen wasn't what she wanted. But she had to deal with it now. 

Maybe this was a sign. A sign that the two really weren't meant to be together after all. 

She shook her head and looked at the skull on her nightstand again, and felt herself giving up. 

A knock on her door made her blink in surprise. She quickly stuffed the skull back into her nightstand and smoothed out her hair before shuffling across her room and opening the door. 

"Princess!" Duncan said cheerfully, making her flinch. He was casually leaning against her door frame, a small bruise on his chin for the million dollar challenge. 

She flinched again when she remembered how awful she had been to him during that thing. And how truly awful she felt about it. 

"What do you want heathen?" she snapped, pushing her true feelings aside like she always did. 

"What? You don't wanna spend the day with me before I leave and possibly never see you again?" he mused. It was meant to be a joke, but she didn't take it as one. She gave him a tired look and turned away

"I have to pack, I don't have time for this," she mumbled, hiding her pain behind her words. 

Duncan's smirk slowly fell, and he looked at her walking back towards her bed with a genuinely hurt expression 

"Whatever," he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest "If that's how you really feel, I'll go. I just wanted to come see you before we all call it a night," 

Duncan grabbed her door and slammed it shut. She winced at the sound, and swallowed hard. She slowly sat down on the edge of her bed, staring at the floor with teary eyes

It's not how I really feel Duncan.. I just wish I knew how to tell you that.

Courtney wiped at her tears, and continued packing

I don't want you to go, I want you to stay

She looked at the nightstand, and the drawer that held the skull in it with longing eyes. 

You mean the world to me. I'm sorry I don't know how to show it. 

She sighed at her thoughts, tired of always trying to ignore them. She just couldn't anymore. She grew up with everyone around her shutting her out. Telling her she wasn't good enough. She never had friends longer than a week because she didn't know how to tell them she really did care about them. How much having them in her life meant to her. She just didn't know how. 

In a few hours, you'll be gone. Both of us returning to normalcy. Back home with our families hours away from each other. You'll go back for season two, and forget all about me. And maybe... One day I'll forget all about you too. 

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