Hello Again

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20 year old Courtney Taint sat in the driver's seat of her car. The rain pounding onto the hood, she could just barely make out the large brick building she was parked in front of. She had been sitting in her car, just parked here, for a good 45 minutes. Just trying to get the nerve to get out and go inside. Her lip was swollen and slightly chapped from her chewing on it, as thoughts raced through her head. Her hair was pushed back over her shoulders. It ran to the middle of her back now, the ends curling like it always did when she grew it out. She wore a black pencil skirt with a white button down shirt tucked into it. A navy colored blazer, and a pair of classy black heels. She wanted to look professional for this. Why? She didn't exactly understand that part yet. 

"Okay Courtney," she whispered to herself sternly, her hands gripping her steering wheel "You can do this, it's only for a little while," 

Courtney ran a tan hand through her hair and opened her car door, wincing when the cold rain dripped onto her head. She regretted not bringing an umbrella. She walked across the parking lot quickly, skipping over the puddles. She walked up the front steps and opened the front door. 

The place seemed much colder than she had thought. Plain, gray walls, and white floors. Police officers stood at what seemed like every possible exit there was. A blank, emotionless look on all of their faces. Courtney knew this place was serious as soon as she pulled up, seeing the huge metal fence surrounding the massive building. Thick ropes of barbed wire on the top of it. 

Courtney slowly walked over to the front desk, a scary looking lady sat on the other side of the thick glass. Courtney knocked on it gently, and the lady shot her a plain look. Before sliding the glass window aside

"May I help you?" she said, her voice monotone. Courtney swallowed hard

"I was told that visiting hours last until 4, right?" she said, the lady nodded once, and Courtney shifted on her heels "I was wondering if I could visit a... Uh... Old friend, Duncan Evans? Is he allowed visitors?" 

The lady slowly lifted her lips into a smirk "Really? You're here to visit Evans? I'm surprised that guy actually has friends. Little prick," she grumbled as she typed something into the computer. Courtney felt the urge to smirk at her comment. Of course Duncan had already made a reputation here as a 'little prick' 

"Alright, I'm gonna need you to place any jewelry or personal items in this bin please. Just a precaution," The lady said, sliding an orange plastic bin towards Courtney. Who nodded slowly, not questioning the woman. She'd never been in a prison before, so she just followed orders. Slowly reaching up to take out her pearl earrings and placed them in the bin. Along with her cellphone and PDA. 

"Alright, follow me." the lady said, standing up and motioning Courtney to follow her as she led her down a hallway. Courtney stayed close behind the woman, ignoring the hoots and hollers from the Inmates as they passed their cells. Courtney felt insanely uncomfortable, she wished she had actually worn pants and not a skirt.

"You just sit on this side of the table, Evans isn't a high risk inmate, so he's allowed to have his visits not behind a glass wall. But there is no contact, and your visit will be watched," the lady said. Opening the door to reveal a small table in the middle of the room. Two chairs sat on each side of the table, and there was a large glass mirror on the other side. Courtney knew it was a one way glass, and that officers were standing on the other side. Courtney nodded a thank you to the woman and made her way over to the table. She sat down slowly in one of the chairs, tapping her fingernails on the smooth surface on the wooden table. She tried her best to calm her racing heart. 

She knew she was seconds away from seeing Duncan again. A day she never thought she'd get the strength to deal with. But the thought occurred to her one night when she was going through her dressers to pack her things for college. She had moved aside a few pieces of clothing to come across the skull he had given her back on the Island. Her face had softened as she picked up the ugly object. 

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