A New Year's Kiss

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Courtney sighed as she watched the other contestants around her as they shuffled about. Laughing, joking, talking. A few of them had glasses of champagne in their hands. Courtney was sitting alone in the back at one of the tables, her own glass of the bubbling drink in front of her. 

It had been at least 3 years since the last episode of Total Drama had aired, and she, along with many of the other contestants, were 21 now. Chris had decided to throw a small 'reunion' party at the very place where it had all began. Camp Wawanakwa. It was New Years Eve, and Chris decided to send out an email to the teens who he tortured for years, saying he and Chef were throwing a New Years party, and that most of the contestants were going to be there. 

At first, Courtney had completely ignored it. She had gotten her email when she was sitting in her office at the law firm. She was typing away on some document when it popped up. She rolled her eyes and deleted it almost as soon as she had read it. Why on Earth would she want anything to do with him or anything to do with the damn show ever again? She was finally free!

But later that night she had received a call from one of the few contestants she had stayed in touch with; Bridgette. 

"So are you going?" Bridgette had asked. 

"What? Heck no! I don't want to go anywhere near the horrid place ever again. Too many bad memories," Courtney had argued. 

"But Courtney, just think. This may be the final time we'll all be able to see each other at the same time. All together. Please come, I don't really think I'd be able to handle this without you and Geoff by my side," Bridgette pleaded. 

"Fine," Courtney said, giving in. And sure enough, she went home and packed that night. Silently cursing to herself as she pushed her clothes into her suitcase. 

And now, as she sat alone, watching the former contestants, she couldn't help but notice how different they all seemed to be. 

Alejandro and Heather had finally come to terms with their feelings towards each other, and were happily married. She couldn't wait to show off the ring as soon as she got here. Bridgette and Geoff had moved in together, and she was currently 5 months pregnant with their first child. Trent and Gwen had gotten back together, Courtney was surprised they showed up. Gwen had Tweeted that her and Trent were currently on tour with his band. But apparently they had a few days to spare. Harold and LeShawna were still going as strong as ever, and Cody was apparently dating Noah. That didn't really surprise her, though. 

Everyone seemed so much... Happier now. Like they finally all had their lives figured out. And slowly Courtney was realizing that no one would be where they were now without this God forsaken show. So maybe some good did come out of it. 

But there was one person, she hadn't seen all night. One person who she wanted to see, and was afraid to see all together. One person who she thought would surely be here. But was no where in sight. 


She knew he had been released from prison last year, because he did an interview about it. She had watched it on the TV of her favorite coffee shop. 

Courtney couldn't tell if she was either relieved that he wasn't here, or if she was disappointed. It would have been nice to see him again, see how he was doing. That is, if he even wanted to speak to her. They hadn't exactly leave on good terms. 

Courtney sighed and tipped her glass back, drinking the last drop of champagne that was in it. Swallowing back the bitter sweet taste of the dry drink. It had always been her favorite. She slowly stood up, as walked through the crowd, smiling at a few of the contestants as they waved to her. 

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