Only For You, Princess

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Courtney was never one to give in to things. Or to anyone. She would rather slam her head in a car door than give up her pride like that. Usually people would ask her for things, a few times. But give up when they realized she wasn't going to give in. 

But, most people weren't like Duncan Evans. 

The damn guy had been nagging her since the very day they started high school together. Back in 9th grade, Duncan always found himself messing with the gorgeous brunette in one way or the other. Either pranking her, or just driving her up the wall with his teases. It was always mindless playing. Something he'd do when he was bored. And that was it. 

But lately, starting this year, Duncan began to find himself teasing her for a different reason. Instead of just wanting to get a rise out of her, he'd actually try to spark a conversation with her. He found himself wanting to get to know her more. He wanted to know how she liked her coffee, or what her nightly routine was. At first, Duncan had shrugged it off with a scoff. Thinking he was turning into a sap. But one day, when he turned the corner of the school, he saw Courtney speaking to some farm boy named Scott. The guy was a total tool. 

Duncan felt his shoulders tense when he saw the guy place a hand on Princess's shoulder.

His  Princess's shoulder. 

With a twitching eye, Duncan quickly walked over, his huge fists clenched so tightly his nails were leaving welts in his palms. He marched right over to the two and pushed his way between them. Much to Courtney's protests, she glared at him with those big brown eyes he loved. 

"What do you want, heathen," she seethed. Duncan smirked and casually leaned against the lockers

"I was just thinking, how about we go on a date. Tonight. At 8?" he asked smoothly. He saw a look of shock pass over the tan girl's face. Then her eyes slowly softened, and a blush formed on her cheeks. 

"Well, I uh.. Sure," she squeaked. Duncan nearly stumbled over in surprise as she smiled sheepishly and quickly walked down the hall. Duncan couldn't help but stare at her perfectly formed behind as she went.

He couldn't believe she had said yes! 

"Um, excuse me, dude. But I was trying to make a move on that," Scott's annoying voice said from behind him. Duncan rolled his eyes and shot a bored look at the guy

"Sorry dude. But she's mine," he snapped and walked away. 

Now all he had to do was plan the perfect date, for the perfect girl.  

"Ugh, I have no idea what to wear," Courtney grumbled as she fished through her massive closet in her bedroom. Her best friend of 3 years, Gwen Myers, laid casually on her bed. Flicking through some old book she had found under Courtney's bed. 

"Do you know where the date is?" Gwen asked, raising her charcoal eyes to look at the brunette. Who shook her head and held up two dresses

"No, he just told me he was picking me up around 8," Courtney said, and grumbled something again as she threw the dresses back into her closet

"I still can't believe Duncan Evans asked you out on a date," Gwen mused "And that you said yes,"

"Well I had to. The guy probably would have bothered me about it for weeks if I hadn't," Courtney protested. Gwen snickered

"Sure, keep telling yourself that, sweetheart," Gwen said. Courtney rolled her eyes

"You don't know him like I do, Gwen! The guy doesn't give in," she said. Gwen shrugged and reopened the book

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