The New Girl

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Courtney smirked as she watched Duncan roll his eyes and slam his chemistry book closed. 

"Don't worry, you'll get it," she said, reaching across her kitchen table and gently rubbing his shoulder. Her fingers shooting sparks up her arm as she touched his warm skin, she swallowed hard. Trying not to let him see her blush.

"It's useless Court, I'm never gonna pass this class. Even with all of our study sessions," he sighed, his teal eyes looking defeated. She stifled a sigh as she slowly got up in her chair

"Duncan Evans, you're my best friend. I'll be damned if we don't graduate together." she said sternly. Duncan slowly looked up at his best friend since childhood and smiled a little. He loved that she seemed to be the only person in the world who refused to ever give up on him.

"Thanks, Court," he said gently. She smiled and turned on her heel

"You want some water?" she asked "Before we get back to studying?"

Duncan sighed and looked at his closed textbook "You think we can skip studying tonight and just watch a movie instead?" he asked, giving her his best puppy dog eyes that always seemed to work. 

Courtney rolled her eyes and scoffed "Ugh, fine. But just this time. You go pick it out and I'll make us some popcorn," she said. He chuckled and gave her a salute

"Yes ma'am," he said, getting up and walking into the living room. She watched him go, smiling faintly to herself before going into the pantry and getting out a package of their favorite popcorn. Extra movie theater butter. She threw it into the microwave and pushed the button. 

Courtney walked out to her living room just in time to see Duncan sliding in the movie

"What did you pick?" she asked, setting the bowl of warm popcorn on the glass coffee table. He smirked a little

"Jaws," he said. Courtney's shoulder slumped, and she crossed her arms over her chest

"Come on," she pouted "you know how I feel about scary movies,"

Duncan laughed as he pushed play on the remote "It's hardly scary,"

She shook her head and sat down on the couch "I should have hidden my brother's stash of scary movies before you came over," she mumbled. Duncan smirked and walked over and sat down next to her. He leaned back and plopped his feet up on the coffee table. Courtney just ignored it. Having given up on yelling him about the feet on the coffee table for years, she just decided to save her breath. 

"oooh you got the good stuff," he said, digging his hand into the popcorn. She laughed 

"Of course, I know you too well," she said. He slowly looked over at her, his teal eyes kind

"Yes, you do," he said softly. Courtney quickly looked away, her face blushing again. 

Lately, she had been getting weird feelings around him whenever they would hang out. Which was every day basically. 

When they would hug hello or goodbye, she would feel tingly. When he would meet her eyes in class, she would get goosebumps. His laughter gave her butterflies. 

Courtney just recently realized why. 

She liked him. More than just a friend. He was everything to her. He was her best friend in the world. 

Duncan was the only friend she had ever had. All the other kids their age when they were younger hated her. Never inviting her to parties, always ran away from her at recess. She had always been completely alone.

Until Duncan came along. 

It happened when they were 7.

Some jerk was making fun of her diagram of the planets that she had made in 2nd grade. Calling her a nerd and pushing her down. Duncan noticed and rushed over, shoving the kid away from a tiny scared little Courtney. Telling him that if he ever picked on her again, they would have to go through him. He helped her up and hung out with her for the rest of the day.

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