The Real Reason Part 2

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"I like this one,"


Courtney sighed as Heather turned down yet another one of her suggestions, and continued to walk down the snow-covered path to look at more trees. 

"That's the third tree you've turned down from me," Courtney complained, as the shorter girl caught up to Heather, who was looking at the lines of other tall pine trees. 

"Maybe if you stopped picking all the ugly ones I wouldn't have to turn them down," Heather said, with a shrug. 

Courtney snorted "Says the one who wanted to get a fake white tree,"

"Hey, white trees are classy, plus, fake ones are such a trouble to clean up," Heather argued. 

Courtney rolled her eyes and pulled her winter jacket closer to her. Her winter boots scuffed through the snow. She smiled as she watched some kids run past them

"Mommy! I like that one!" the little girl said, pointing towards a tall fern up ahead, while tugging on her Mother's expensive fur coat

"Okay okay," the mother laughed, and headed that way with her kids. 

Courtney watched them go with a warm smile, but jumped when she heard Heather squeal up ahead. Courtney blinked and hid her laugh with her hand as she saw Heather slip on the snow and almost do a face plant.

"Ugh!" Heather yelled "Don't they ever plow through here!? How the hell are we supposed to walk!" 

"Well Heather, maybe if you weren't wearing 4 inch heeled boots you wouldn't slip. Safety before style," Courtney snickered. 

Heather flicked her long black hair over her shoulder "If I can do cartwheels in these, I can walk through some snow," she said, totally slaying as she looked at Courtney over her shoulder. 

Courtney could only shake her head at her friend, as they continued on their quest for the perfect tree for their shared apartment.

"Okay.. I think we found it," Heather said, as they looked up at the huge tree in front of them. Courtney chewed on her lip

"I'm not so sure that'll fit in the apartment," she said. 

"then we'll cut a hole in the ceiling," Heather said. 

"Yes, because that'll make our landlord happy," Courtney said, sarcasm dripping from her words. 

"How the hell are we gonna cut it down and get it back to the car?" Courtney asked, walking around the tree to look at it better

"If Alejandro was here we wouldn't have a problem, but his stupid self is at a photoshoot," Heather grumbled

"at least you have a boyfriend.." Courtney mumbled, slowly getting on her knees and looking under the tree at the stump. 

"Okay, breaking up with farm boy was the greatest decision you've ever had. I hated that guy. He smelled awful, never showered, and all of his friends were barn animals-"

"Okay!" Courtney said, stopping Heather's rant "I get it, jeez,"

"Sorry Court, but you deserved better," Heather said. 

Courtney ignored her and looked for someone to help them. When she saw a guy wearing a black hoodie walking past them

"Hey!" Courtney called, waving at the guy. Who froze and stiffened slowly. 

"Can you help us cut this tree down? And carry it?" Courtney asked the guy. Who was just standing there, frozen

"Court," Heather hissed "What the fuck, he's like.. so sketchy," 

"Who goes to a tree farm to do illegal things?" Courtney asked, rolling her eyes and walking towards the guy. 

"I know this is strange, having a random person ask for help but please sir? We really need help," she said. Stopping about 5 feet from the mysterious person. 

"Plus, I wanna prove to my friend that you're not a criminal," she giggled. She barely caught the nod from the black hoodie, before smiling big.

"Thank you! Come here, it's right here," she said, motioning for him to follow her. Courtney led the guy to their tree. And Heather yanked Courtney close to her, as she watched the guy get down and crawl under the tree to chop it down

"Aren't you a little freaked out that he won't show us his face?" Heather whispered,  as she and Courtney followed behind the guy in front of them, carrying their tree. His head was hung low, and he still hadn't spoken one word as they walked back to their car. 

"I feel like I should turn the location on my phone on," Heather whispered. Courtney sighed

"Heath, calm down. He's just helping us out, not all people are bad," 

"No. But a majority are," Heather said. Courtney gave her a look of reassurance.

After successfully hankering the tree to the top of Heather's car, Heather got into the driver's seat of her car as Courtney turned and looked at the mysterious man

"I'm sorry about my friend. She's just a little worried you're crazy. Thank you for helping me," Courtney smiled, and reached into her purse to pull out her wallet

"How much for your help?" she asked, as she flipped open her wallet. The guy shook his head and turned away

"No.." he mumbled "I don't want your money,"

"Oh come on, it's the least I can do," Courtney mumbled, not really paying attention to the guy as she kept busying with her money. 

She didn't notice as the guy slowly took his hood down, revealing a hard jawline and a striking set of teal eyes

"Courtney, I don't want your money," the guy said.

Courtney slowly froze mid-action. Her hand holding onto the money stopped moving, as she slowly looked up to meet the man's eyes. She knew it was him the second he said her name

"Holy... Shit..." Heather piped in from her car window. She too was completely shocked as to who was standing in front of them.

Duncan smirked as he pushed his black hair out of his eyes

"It's good to see you too, Heather," Duncan said. 

Courtney stood frozen still, not believing the man who broke her heart and then disappeared off of the face of the earth was standing in front of her. 

"Wh.. Why.." Courtney stuttered. Duncan looked at her with a face of endearment, slowly walking forward, and holding her face in his hands

"Courtney..." Duncan breathed "Princess,"

Courtney flinched away from his hold, and stared at him in absolute shock. Duncan just swallowed hard, and stayed quiet.

"Why are you here, Duncan?" Courtney snapped.

More importantly, why was he acting like he was so shocked and happy to see her?

"Courtney... There's a lot of things I need to tell you... You.. Might not believe me, because it's so insane. But it actually happened, please.. Just... Give me some time to explain. Please,"

Duncan's voice cracked, and he looked at her with pleading eyes. Courtney started at him, confused.

"Explain what?" she questioned. Duncan swallowed hard

"Well... First.. Let me tell you about my twin brother, Devon,"

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