I'm Not Crazy

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Duncan swallowed hard as he slowly got out of his truck, he shut and locked the door and walked up the large stone steps to the haunting building he was about to enter. His skin was crawling under his heavy winter jacket, his boots scuffed against the concrete steps, as he pushed open the heavy wooden doors. A gust of warm air welcomed him, but that was just about it. 

The whole building seemed so.. Dark. Haunted. There were lines of UV lights on the ceiling, some flickering. Casting a nasty glow across the room. Patients were slowly walking around with the aid of nurses, Duncan fought the urge to shiver. This was the most creepiest place he'd ever been inside. 

Duncan slowly walked over to the front desk, and knocked on the glass window. The lady looked up, and gave him a fake smile as she slid open her window

"Hello, how may I help you?" she asked, a faulty tone to her voice. Duncan slowly swallowed hard

"I'm here to see a patient, her name is Courtney Taint?" he said, looking anywhere but into her eyes. The lady's lips thinned, and she typed something into her computer, before looking back up to him

"Are you of close family?" she asked "Because her file says that's all the doctor is letting her see. Anyone else could disturb her,"

Disturb her. Those words echoed through his head, Duncan swallowed hard


"Duncan Evans?" another man's voice said, Duncan looked over at the man standing in a Doctor Coat, he was looking at him

"Yeah, I recognize your voice, are you the guy I spoke to on the phone?"  Duncan asked, the Doctor nodded

"Yes. I called you here because you're our last hope," he said. He looked at the lady at the front desk

"This guy is allowed to visit her, but he's the only one." he said. Duncan followed the doctor through another heavy set of doors. And down a long dimly lit hallway. Duncan kept his hands in his pockets, looking around at all the tightly shut doors, with small windows near the top. Like prison doors. 

"This is it, now I'm going to warn you... Courtney isn't the girl you once knew." the Doctor said to Duncan. They had stopped in front of a lone door near the end of the hall. Duncan nodded as he watched the man type a code into the panel on the door, and he heard the door unlock. The doctor opened the door slowly, and motioned for Duncan to follow him. 

Duncan slowly stepped inside the room. It was chilly in there, like the heat coming from the vent didn't even exist. It was dark in the room, only the overcast light coming from the barred window was coming into the room. A bed sat back against the wall. And a tiny girl was sitting up in the bed, hidden under heavy blankets. Duncan sucked in a sharp breath when he recognized the girl as Courtney. 

She looked horrible. Her cheekbones were sticking out more than normal, like she hadn't been eating. Her once soft brown hair was a mess pulled up into a bun on her head. There were dark circles under her eyes, and her freckles were almost gone. Replaced by a pale sheen on her face. Her gorgeous onyx eyes were dull, and no longer had that spark he loved in them. She was staring straight ahead at the wall, completely still. She reminded him of a ghost. You knew she was there. But she wasn't at the same time. 

Slowly, every so slowly, her eyes looked over at the two men standing by the door. And Duncan saw her eyes widen a little when she caught sight of him. She quickly lifted her hands, and rubbed at her eyes. Then looked at him again, blinking a few times. As though she was checking to make sure he was really there?

"D-Duncan? Is that really you?" Courtney choked out. Her voice sounded strained, tired. Like she hadn't used it in a while. 

Duncan felt his heart speed up. It had been so long since he had heard her voice. Not since after World Tour had ended. He didn't realize how much he had missed it until now. 

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