Second 3 Month Anniversary Part 2

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(The above is the version of the song Courtney is singing in this. I love it so much, it's just so her)

"Okay, so, you're telling me you don't have any sexy clothes in here?" Heather questioned as she flicked through Courtney's closet in her dorm room. Courtney sighed on her bed, she was picking at the fluffy fabric of one of her throw pillows as it sat in her lap. 

"I guess I never really thought about packing anything sexy. I mean, unless you count sweater sets as sexy," Courtney said, Heather rolled her eyes 

"Maybe this was a bad idea... I don't have what it takes to be sexy," Courtney sighed. Heather looked over at her and put her hands on her hips

"If you tell anyone I said this, I'll deny it... But Courtney, you're probably the prettiest out of all of the old cast. Besides me, of course," Heather smirked, flicking her hair over her shoulder. Courtney's eyes widened

"Really? You think that?" she asked, Heather slowly smiled a little

"I mean, come on. Look at you!" she said "Anyone who says you aren't sexy clearly is blind," Heather said. Courtney smiled warmly at her friend

"Thanks, Heath," Courtney said gently. Heather shrugged and closed Courtney's closet door

"This closet is hopeless. Come on, were taking a trip to my room," Heather smirked. 

"Hello Sir, can I help you?" the tiny flower store clerk asked, as she looked up at the tall man in front of her

"Oh yeah," he said stepping forward "Can I get a dozen white lilies?" he asked. The lady nodded with a smile

'Would you like to add a personalized card too?" she asked. The guy nodded, and she showed him over to the wall of different cards he could choose from. 

"Can I get a name for the order?" the lady asked, the guy nodded and looked at her

"Duncan Nelson," he said. She nodded and wrote it down on a pad of paper before walking to the back. Duncan blew out a long breath and looked at all the cards. He looked at the anniversary section, and sighed. Of course there wouldn't be any 3 month ones. Because that's not something you normally celebrate. 

But this 3 month was different. Because somehow, the universe had granted him a second chance with the love of his life, and he was damn sure he was going to get it right this time. 

Maybe I can just make her a card... Princess likes shit like that

Duncan went to walk away, when a certain card caught his eye. He eyed it and slowly smirked, he grabbed it

"Perfect," he whispered. 

"Mr. Nelson, your flowers are ready," the lady said, walking out with a gorgeous bouquet of white lilies. Courtney's favorite. 

Duncan walked over with the card, and grabbed a pen to sign his name on the receipt. 

"Someone must really be special to you," the clerk said, Duncan slowly handed her the receipt and looked at the flowers again

"Yeah, she certainly is," he whispered with a smile. 

"You've gotta be kidding me," Courtney's eyes widened when she saw what Heather had pulled out of her closet for her to wear. 

"What? Purple is totally your color!" Heather said, handing the barely there piece of fabric to her best friend. Courtney held the outfit up, and admired the lace work. 

"It's so nice.. It looks expensive," Courtney said, giving Heather a worried look. Who shrugged

"I got it on sale at Victoria's Secret last year for Al... Uh, myself," Heather said, getting flustered. Courtney smirked a little 

"Just try it on already!" Heather said, quickly changing the topic. "It never would have fit me, you have the better curves for it anyways," 

Courtney eyed the outfit, and nodded a little "Okay," she said, and grabbed the lacey outfit and walked into Heather's bathroom. 

"Okay... Here it is," Courtney said, slowly stepping out into the room. Heather's eyes slowly lit up and she smiled big

"That color looks so good on you. I wish I was as tan as you!" Heather gushed. Courtney giggled and looked at herself in the mirror 

"I'm not used to showing so much skin." she said, swallowing hard. Heather slowly came up behind her and put her hands on the tan girl's shoulders. 

"Duncan is going to love it, and if not, then it's his loss," she whispered into Courtney's ear. 

Duncan grunted as he carried the bouquet  of lilies up the stairs, he was really hating the fact that Courtney's room had to be on the third floor of the dormitory. He walked down the hall and towards her room and grabbed his spare key he made for himself and unlocked her door. 

Courtney's roommate was out of town for the weekend. 

"Hello?" Duncan called "Babe?" 

Duncan slowly set the flowers down on the small table in the dorm room. 

"I'm in the bathroom, be out in a sec!" Courtney called from behind the door. Duncan nodded a little and blew out a long breath and slowly sat down on her bed. 

A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom slowly opened and Courtney stepped out. Wearing a dark purple lace lingerie outfit. The color worked with her dark skin tone perfectly. She was wearing a sheer black sating robe that was hanging off of her shoulders. 

"Hey Duncan," she purred at him. Duncan's eye twitched, and he swallowed hard

"Hey.. Oh.. Wow," he stuttered. Practically drooling. Courtney giggled and slowly walked out of the bathroom a little more. Her eyes found the bouquet of lilies on the table and gasped

"Aw! Duncan!" she gushed "You remembered lilies were my favorite!"

Duncan blinked out of his trance, and smirked at her "Of course I did,"

She gave him a warm smile and giggled. "So, you like my outfit? Do you think I'm sexy?"

Duncan looked her up and down, still smirking. "Of course I do, Princess.. But.."

Courtney felt herself deflate "But what?"

He slowly walked over to her, and slowly tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning down and kissing her forehead "I've always thought you were sexy. Even without all the lace and bows. You in a sweater vest can make me want you,"

She looked up at him, her eyes tearing up a little "Really?" she whispered. He chuckled and nodded

"Wanna see the card I got ya?" he asked, his canadian accent strong. She smiled and nodded.

Duncan walked back over to the bed and picked it up, and handed the dark red envelope to his girlfriend "Happy 3 Month Anniversary, darling," 

Courtney smiled and opened the card slowly, and read the words 

"I like your face, it's nice" 


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