Assassination Classroom- Karma

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Reader's Pov

I skipped into class.

I saw my very feminine looking male friend, Nagisa.

"Nagisa-Kun!!" I laugh as I attack him with a hug.

"Oh? You back from being sick?"

I back off of him, blushing realizing that I just hugged him. I don't have a crush on him or anything, it's just I hate touching other people. I blush anytime I touch or a boy touches me, expect for one dude, Karma Akabane. He is such a jerk and he always pulls such lame pranks on me, but I have a major crush on him... But I never really blush around him since we are really good friends.

Nagisa laughs at my redness. 

"Do-Don't laugh!" I say.

"Sorry, sorry. I just think it's super cute."

I puff out my cheeks. "Stop..." 

"Alright, alright." He says.

"Hey. (Y/N) maybe you should sit in your desk." I hear Karma say from his desk, mine being right next to his.

"No way." I say plainly. "You did something to my desk and I am not going over there until the bell rings."

Nagisa just laughs at my cruelness. 

Soon Kayano walks into the class with Nakamura walking behind her.

I wave at the two. Nakamura smirks and walks over to us.

"Oh? You and Nagisa dating now?"

"Wh-What?!" I stutter. "No way!"

"You know we are only friends anyway." Nagisa says.

"You two look so cute together though." 

"Thanks, but I don't think we would ever date. He isn't my type."

"Who is then?" Kayano asks while sitting at her desk.

"That is a secret." I say.

"Come on~! Tell us~!" Nakamura yells, getting the wholes class attention. "Tell us what your type is~!"

"I-It's not important..." I mumble, face beet red.

"But (Y/N)~! Does that mean you actually are dating Nagisa~!"

"We-We aren't dating."

"Then tell us~!" Nakamura says.

"The sadistic type." I mouth, just barely.

"What?" Nagisa asks.

"Oh! How cute!!" Kayano yells, hugging me.

I squirm trying to get out of her grasp, but she doesn't let go.

"Nagisa help!"

"Alright, I got ya." He says moving Kayano's hands and pulling me out, but he forgets how much I weigh and ends up pulling too hard and we both fall toward the ground, me on top of him.

I gulp as he laughs awkwardly. I quickly get up and reluctantly stick out a hand for him, face red as can be.

After that I head to my desk and place my forehead to the desk and groan.

"That was so embarrassing..." I mumble.

I look over towards Karma's desk and see he is staring at me.

"What?" I ask.

He quickly looks away. "Nothing."

"Aren't you gonna tease me about what just happened?"

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