The Disasterous Life Of Saiki K - Saiki Kusuo

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I need to stop using the best friend trope but oh my God I love it so much.

"Kusuo," I snap angrily while throwing a spoon at him. He instantly dodges it and telepathically talks back to me.

"Not interested."

"Well I wasn't asking for an opinion, I want you to-"

"I'm not lending you my clothes." He replys without looking up from his manga.

"I'll give you some coffee jelly! There is this boy that I like, but he is extremely weird around girls so- please!"

"I already said no and you look stupid with that bald cap on."

"Saiki Kusuo, pretty please! As your childhood friend I beg you! Please! I'll leave you alone, I will stop coming to you for test answers, I'll stop calling you to help me with lost animals - actually I don't know about that one. Just I beg you please."

"Fine," He replys half-heartedly, "Just don't get them dirty and you owe me three coffee jellies."

"Deal, my dad will make it for you, the way you like it! Anyway I better go now, Kaidou is waiting for me."

"Kaidou?" He replies with almost surprise. It's a weird expression on him, but I think it is kind of cute. "You are meeting with Kaidou? Alone?"

"Of course why wouldn't I meet him alone? Who meets the love of their life with other people?"

"You're meeting the love of you life dressed as a dude?"

"Yes it's the only way he'll give me any time of day. So, Kusuo, I shall leave! Wish me luck!"

"You aren't asking me for help, that's new."

"I'm meeting him alone. I'm a guy now so if I mess up it doesn't matter, I can just meet him as a girl."

"Surprising good plan, but what do you do when he learns you're a girl?"

"I confess my love for him! He'll have to have some feelings by then."

"Not to burst your bubble but he is outside right now."

"Oh yeah I told him your address and he thinks we're brothers but you probably already know that so bye!" I shout while skipping out of his room and into the bathroom where I change into the clothes Kusuo gave me. After I check myself out and grin at Kusuo's dumb clothing style I place the wig on my head.

I place my clothes on top of Kusuo's desk for safe keeping before swinging into the front room where Kusuo's mom is talking to Kaidou. She smiles at me and I get ready to say something when a hand is placed on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Kusuo smirking evilly before he goes passed me and out the door. My jaw drops and I follow him. I attempt to punch him many times on the back, but he easily moves out of the way every time.

"Kusuo, you're ruining everything! Please leave!" I whisper yell as I try to strike him a few more times.

He looks at me evilly once again before walking away, "I hate you," I growl lightly before turning to Kaidou and apologizing. "Sorry he is such a nuisance."

"It's fine, Kusuo is my best friend."

"He's your what?" I snap before glaring towards Kusuo again. He dare replace me? Not to mention he knew Kaidou and didn't tell me. Some friend he is. "I'm sure you two are closer though! With being twins and all."

"Twins?" Kusuo asks.

"Right we're twins! I know him like the back of my hand. Did you that Kusuo is actually a huge fan of romance animes?"

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