Black Butler - Alois .5

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Here is an alternative ending Stitches2869

I've been stuck in a huge rut so sorry I haven't been uploading. This may be the very last chapter for this story...idk tho.


"Hey," Alois says while leaning over the railing. For a place that is off limits they sure make it seem like you're supposed to be there. The place is beautiful and the railings preventing anyone from jumping is glaring at anyone daring to even try. The hospital rooftop has always been my favorite place to sit and watch the sun set even if I'm not supposed to be up here. "What are you doing here?"

Since I've spent half my life here, it's like a second home to me. I know where every fire exit and restroom in this whole hospital is. I know where ever cobweb, misplaced keys, and out of place chair is. Hell, I managed to find the keys to the roof. I don't see why they keep it off limits though, if someone really wanted to die they could easily jump from a window on the top floor.

"Looking," I respond and lean onto the flimsy metal fencing preventing me from falling. It's doing it's job, but I don't know for how much longer it will. I chuckle at the thought of it breaking and me tumbling to my death, wouldn't that be nice. Saves me from the pain of dying from this damn sickness. A big fuck you to all the treatment I've been getting.

I just hear Alois sigh, in my pariferal vision I see him take a glance down to the ground before quickly looking back up. I chuckle, "12 stories tall," I say while looking back to him, "doesn't look that tall when you look up, but when you look down it looks like Hell on Earth."

"I see what you mean," Alois says while rubbing the back of his neck, "we should get going inside. We shouldn't be here."

"You're right," I say before blowing a raspberry, "but when have you ever cared about rules?"

"When my potentially suicidal friend stepped foot on a 12 story tall rooftop."

I sigh, "I'm not suicidal," I correct. They always say that, my parents, the doctors, my friends. They always call me suicidal, that I'm in need of special care. I'm sick, that's the only special care I need. I don't need to be babied all the time, I don't want to die, but I know my time will be up soon. Accepting death and wanting death are two very different things.

No matter how many times I say it though, I will always need to go to therapy on Saturdays. "Yes, well, the fact you can look down 12 stories without so much as flinching says different," he retorts, "now let's go," he grabs onto my wrist and even though I want to resist him, I don't. I know he means the best for me so instead I throw I the towel and follow him out, like the good servant that I am.

When we're back down to my floor he let's out a sigh and sticks his hand out, "Keys," he orders, "give them."

I gawk at him, he can't seriously be asking me to actually give it to him. "No," I hiss and cup the key into my hand to protect it. He wouldn't attack a sick girl, so I have nothing to worry about. Even someone as cruel as him has a soul in there somewhere.

"I'll tell the doctors," He threatens and my jaw drops even more. That's even worse than what I thought he would threaten me with! I thought he might go to Claude, maybe have him rip them out of my cold dead fingers after he kills me and pretends it was an accident! But the doctors? That's low and beyond all things evil in this world.

"You wouldn't!"

He sticks his hand out even further, "Oh I would."

I bite my lower lip before cursing and placing it into his palm. Curse him, knowing my weakness like that. The doctors would attack me if they knew I had a key to the roof. They'd make me go to therapy twice a week rather than once and would put me on even more medication. They'd keep me in the hospital even longer and they'll stop me from going to school all together.

He smiles at me before stuffing it into his pocket, "The other's are in their way," He says as he pulls out his phone. I nod my head, due to the expensive hospital bills I had my phone taken away. Mom said that she felt bad having Elizabeth pay for all of the bills so she agreed to pay for a portion of it, which means no phone for me.

I'd be lying if I said it made me angry, I mean, I'm a teenager in the digital age. I'm depressed, sick, and locked in a hospital room about 70% of the day and I have no contact with the outside world, I can't say I'm not disappointed. The only things I can do here is read a book or go play chess with the elderly lady across the hall.

"I'll probably get going," Alois says and lowers the phone so that I can at least see his face, "I don't want to run into Ciel right now, we haven't been getting along... particularly well recently."

I nod my head and fake a smile, "Of course, I understand...but it'd be a lot more fun with you here."

He smiles, "If you get on your knees and beg then I may stay."

I roll my eyes, "If I bend down there is no saying I'll ever get back up again," I laugh, "but I can beg... Aloiiiiis," I coo and I can see his cheeks instantly turn a bright red color at the way I call his name. He doesn't tell me to stop though, so I don't, "Can you please, please, pleeeeaaase stay with me?"

Despite his beet red face he brings a finger to his lip and thinks for a second, "Maybe...if you add a meow at the end of it."

I grin, "Can you please stay with me, meow?" I respond with a huge grin. There is no point in feeling embarrassed now when there is a pretty good chance that I'll be dying soon anyway.

"Then of course..."


"Wait!!" I shout as I quickly put myself into an upright position, "I'm-I'm cured? For forever?"

"No," My doctor corrects, "definitely not for forever, only temporarily, but at least for the next few years. You're stable enough to go home and continue any of your everyday can even join a sport, you're that healthy now."

"Ah!!" I cheer as my excitement begins to grow unbearable to contain. I haven't been allowed to leave the hospital since I was out in here and this means I can finally face my fears. I can finally be an average teenager.

My mom is more excited than I am, that much I know just by looking at her. The way she is rubbing her eyes, trying to prevent her tears from ruining her make up. It makes me over joyed.

To think that I get to go back to school, I can hang out with my friends, and I can even make new ones if I want to. I can join a sport again!!

"Congratulations!!" Elizabeth shouts as she and the others meet me outside later that night. To think I can see the outside world again, the sunset and stars...I can see them from more than just the roof of the hospital. I can go to an arcade or an amusement park. A carnival, a park, a store.  It's so surreal. So, so surreal.

"Alois," I say as I come out of my momentary trance. I look over towards the male and he does the same, "will you go on a date with me?"

"(Y-Y/n)!" He shouts and begins to freak out at my bluntness. "Wh- Ju-just like that?"

"Is that a no?"

"No! I mean....of course I want to go on a date with you...but you just got out of the hospital."

I nod my head and intertwine my hands together with his, "Yes, but I didn't ask you before because I thought I'd have died soon. Well, it turns out I'm not dying and I don't want to live another second without you know that I think I love you. If that's too much for you I get it but-"

"Shut up," he says before pressing his lips onto mine. "I love you too...I just wish I'd have been the one to ask you out..."

I nod my head and lean my head onto his shoulder for a second before looking over towards the other couple not too far away. Elizabeth smiles and cheers again. My life literally could not be more perfect than this. I want nothing more than this, for forever.

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