My Hero Academia - Katsuki

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⚠️⚠️-Trigger warning-⚠️⚠️

I grew up in a pretty good family. I wouldn't say we were rich, but we weren't poor. The family was rather large, which is sort of awesome speaking as my family was so well off.

Despite that I fell for the worst guy in my highschool. He was a major player and even saying that is an understatement. He was all over other girls, but somehow he was always with me despite my knowledge of him cheating on me.

His name was (R/N) and everyone knew about him. Everyone wanted to be with him. Everyone knew that even with me around that he was still very much available.

For weeks we messed around with one another and for the longest time I thought he was my soulmate. He was my first time for everything and that was a big deal even for a tomboy like me.

My friends were always complaining about how he was the worst possible person for me to date, but I didn't care. I was in love for the first time ever.

I wish I knew that he was gonna hurt me more than I could ever imagine.

We were together all through high school, on and off dating. We were unpredictable like that.

Once things got so out of hand that we didn't talk for months. Looking back I wish that was the end of it.

After high school he managed to move in with me in my small one bedroom apartment and we were happy for a while. I never saw him cheating on me, so I was content.

Then suddenly he came home drunk and things changed. Drastically.

He sat on his spot in front of the T.V. as usual and I sat next to him. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, but I was wrong. He started touching my leg, but I resisted.

That night he did unspeakable things to me without my consent and for some reason I didn't leave him after that.

He continue for months. He got even more agressive and left major bruises on me.

Then I got pregnant. My family was supportive and were over joyed when I told them I broke up with him.

I raised the child on my own. I still had her and my family. I didn't need (R/N) in my life. He did nothing but hurt me.

Thats leads up to present day. My life is stable. My older sister takes care of (D/N) while I am at work and I have steady income.

My life was going as planned. (R/N) hasn't attempted to visit (D/N) in a few weeks and it's been a pleasant time just the two of us.

Well, that was until I ran into someone else yesterday. I was walking home from the grocery store and I came face to face with my old acquaintance. Someone who kept on telling me that (R/N) was bad news. Katsuki Bakugou.

Bakugou and I weren't that close in high school, over ever for that matter. Though he managed to be there for me to tell me initially that I was gonna get hurt being with him. I had nothing major against Bakugou, just his hatred for my friend Izuku was a bit overwhelming and annoying.

The encounter with him was slightly awkward. We stopped by a small cafe to get lunch and we caught up.

He told me he was a pro hero now and I told him about (D/N). He was obviously quite surprised that I had a kid. He asked who the father was and I responded with "(R/N)."

He looked confused, then asked if we were married. I quickly laughed and explained that we were not. He looked even more confused and I went into full detail.

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