Black Butler - Alois

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~Present time~
~Reader's POV~

I sit in class. Exhausted. Lungs burning. Throat dry. Sweating.

I hear snickers from the girl that sits next to me.

"Why do you sweat so much, Pig?" The girl laughs.

I look down at my math work. Ready to start crying. I of course do not.

I do my work. Not before gulping down an entire water bottle. Earning more snickers from my bully.

The teacher calls me up to her desk. My heart begins beating a thousand times a minute.

I slowly stand and make my way to her desk.


She points at her computer screen and turns to me.

"You have a 50 I'm my class. Why haven't you been turning anything in?"

"My mo-mom has been in the hospital a lot lately. So I haven't been able to work."

She sighs, "I understand. I am not allowed to drop any grades for you though. Come in for tutorials later after school."

"I can't. I have to visit my mom."

"Do you visit her everyday?"

"Well... Yeah."

"There is absolutely no way for you to begin passing if you don't show up for tutorials today."

"I'm fine with failing."

"I'll have to e-mail your parents."

"Go-Go ahead."

She sighs again. "The bells about to ring. Head back to your seat."

I need and go.

My throat starts burning again.

Yeah. I've been visiting my mom in the hospital. Though not cause she is sick. She is a doctor. I go to the hospital for my illness.

I am supposed to die next month.
My illness makes my body temperature higher than usual, giving me plenty of health complications.

I am bullied for my constant sweating and plenty more reasons.

I have no friends. I never really have and I'm assuming I never will.

I am ready for my death honestly.

I mean. I have no friends as it is.

My teachers don't know I am due to die soon. I had to beg the staff at the hospital to allow me to go to public school.

I often hear people complain about their lives. Getting grounded. Breaking their phones. Messing up their makeup. Breaking up with their lovers. Failing a test.

Yeah. Harsh... I mean... I'm supposed to die soon. I think I have it worse. Don't I?

The bell rings mid thought and I pack up. I need to hurry or my mom will think I passed out again.

I go to my locker, grab my backpack and put my binder and stuff in it.

"Look its the Pig." I hear a girl snicker.

"Tch, I heard she is failing all her classes." Another girl laughs.

"I hear she is super poor."

"She's never had a friend before right?"

"Really? Oh my god." They continue laughing at me.

I'm used to it by now. A month to go. I will just be lonely for a little while longer.

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