Durarara- Izaya

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Reader's POV

I was eating sushi with my friend, (not one of the characters from the show, because ha.) 

"This sushi is really good, huh?" I question.

"Oh yeah." (R/N) says. ~Random Name~ 

"Thanks, Simon." I smile.

"Anything for (Y/N)."

"Are you still in touch with Izaya?" (R/N) says.


"You totally still have a crush on him, huh?!"

"We haven't talked since the end of high school! Besides I bet he is really busy, you know, running from Shizuo."

"I hear those two have totally caused trouble for people." 

I sigh. "They always did..."

I was friends with Izaya, Shizuo, and Shinra in high school. It was fun, and sort of a pain having to be friends with both Shizuo and Izaya since they both fight, I had to be neutral, which was difficult since I had a crush on Izaya, still do... I ended up befriending (R/N) and I sort of accidentally told her.

"I hear he is an info broker."

I look at (R/N), shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yeah totally."

I pay for the sushi and we both head out, we both share an apartment, so of course we go the same direction.

"Besides, Izaya lives in the next town over. He doesn't even live in Ikebukuro."

"So what!? It just makes it that much more romantic if he doesn't live super nearby."

"I don't think it is meant to be. Besides I bet he completely forgot about me!"

"No way! You two hung out everyday. I don't think he would just forget!"

"I bet all three of them forgot I existed!" I laugh nervously. "But it's fine. I mean, I don't care. They can forget me a thousand times over and I wouldn't be fazed!" I say while putting my hands on my hips and looking up lightly.

(R/N) just laughs at my weirdness.

"Yeah right. I bet you would be like, 'Oh my god! You forgot about me! You idiots!' I am right,  no need to doubt it."

"Ha-Ha. Seriously, they cause so much trouble, I don't need that being dragged back into my life. I mean, they worry me half to death all the time!"

"I hear they are both in the Dollars."

"What?!" I yell. "But that's a gang! Why would they be in one of those!"

"You know them, they just can't get their acts together. Always fighting..."

I sigh. "I guess. But why join a gang?"

"Who knows?"

"Izayaaaaaa!" I hear and look up to see Izaya running from Shizuo with a huge smile on his face.

Shizuo holding a vending machine.

Izaya makes eye contact with me for a second.

"Shizuo, stop!" I yell.

They both stop running and look at me and I quickly cover my mouth.

"Huh?" Shizuo yells.

"So-Sorry! It was just am impulse!"

"(Y/N)?" He asks.

I look down at the ground and nod.

"(Y/N) long time no see!!!" Izaya yells walking over and was about to hug me, but I took a step back.

"Leave her alone!" Shizuo yells, going after Izaya and they continue their chase.

"What was that about? Don't you want to get close to them again?"

"Su-Sure... but I don't at the same time."

"But why?"

"There is a reason I avoid him."

"That is?"

"The last day of school I confessed and well... I sort of ran away from him." I laugh nervously. "But it's fine." 

"No it's not! You don't know what he was gonna say! Don't you have his number?!"

I laugh. "Had. He spammed my phone after, but I just ignored every call. Soon after we ended up moving here. I didn't hear he lived near by until last year, on the news of all places..."

She nods and we walk back to our place in silence, well as much silence as possible in a place like Ikebukuro.

We head up to the apartment and I head to my room and plop on my bed and think for a while.

"Why did I run away that day? I really do love Izaya, so why did I run? Was I scared of rejection? Or was it the fear of Shizuo pounding him to death and me losing Izaya? Or was it me losing my friendship with Shizuo?"

I shake my head. "No it's none of those. But why did I?"

I check the time. Midnight.

"Oh I'm gonna be late for work tomorrow... or later..."

I change into PJs and try to fall asleep.

When I am about to I hear the door bell ring. I groan as I pull myself out of bed, knowing (R/N)would be asleep by now I go to the front door door.

I answer without looking through the peephole and before changing.

"What do you- Izaya?!" I yell. I was about to slam the door when he slipped inside without permission. "What are you doing?"

"Well I saw you earlier and you know, I tried to hug you, but you avoided me. That isn't very kind you know."

"I know. I mean why are you here?"

"Hiding from Shizu-Chan of course." I sweat drop.

"Not surprising. But why here?"

"I have been meaning to talk to you for awhile."

"Oh? Like what?"

"About the last day of high school."

I just smile. "I already know you don't like me. You're you, you like playing with people, you are here to simply play with my emotions, that's why you tried to hug me earlier. It's been a long while, but I still know your games."

"Do you now? Is that why you ran?"

"Of course." I say, involuntarily. "I mean... maybe?"

He chuckles.

I yawn. "I'm going to sleep...did you want to say some-"

He hugs me and I stiffen.

"I tried to tell you this before, but I like you too."

"That's out of character of you..."

"Exactly. Why else would I make an effort to see you everyday."

I stay silent.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

I blush. "I-I love you, too...."

"I know~."

~Time Skip~

I Izaya told me where Shinra lives, so I went to his place after work, (R/N) stayed at the apartment.

The door opens revealing a man with shoulder length brown hair, glasses, and a white lab coat. I smile at him.

"(Y/N)!!!" He yells hugging me before dragging me inside to meet his fiance, Celty, Izaya told me about her already, so I wasn't surprised when I saw she was headless.

I bow and she pulls out her phone and types something and I look at it.

"Who are you?"

"Ah! Right. I am (Y/N) I am an old friend of Shinra, Shizuo, and Izaya." I smile, "And I am Izaya's new girlfriend."

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