Digimon - Matt

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(Thanks Blue__Flare for requesting him)

I slouch my way to the front door in my pajama bottoms and (band) tee-shirt. I look through the peep hole to make sure it isn't a murderer.

After identifying the person on the other side I swing the door open and look at the blonde with a cold glare.

"Friendly as ever." He smiles as he pushes past me with his guitar on his back, "Are you not ready yet?"

"Why did you ring the door bell?" I groan as I head into the kitchen for breakfast, completely toning out his question.

"There are some police driving around and I sorta panicked."

"Right, right. Want anything to eat?"

"Don't eat we have to head out soon."

"Says who?" I glare at him again, "To where?!"

He sighs, "We're gonna meet the others, it won't be for that long."

"No way! You remember the last time I left the house?! I was like five years old!"

He laughs at my over exaggeration, "It was five months ago and I will never forget that day..."

"You will never forget that day?! Imagine what it was like in my shoes!"

"You fainted like five times." He rolls his eyes.

"Exactly, that's why I shouldn't leave the house! You're lucky I didn't get a panic attack!"

"It won't be that long! Do you want me to hold your hand through it?"

"Ha-ha..." I fake laugh before pausing for a few seconds and adding, "Actually yeah I do."

"I knew it. (Y/N) you really need to get over this fear of yours. You seriously faint everytime you are in a big crowd."

"I think it is just me leaving the house at this point..." I mumble.

"Don't tell me you left without a gaurdian!" He says, worry audibly filling him, which makes me feel nice.

I groan, "I'm not a child. I don't need to be watched over...and yes I did. I was only going out cause you were in the middle of a concert, it was night, and I was hungry. I thought that nobody would be out and about, but I was so wrong. There were so many people out..."

He glares at me, "You aren't supposed to leave this place alone. You don't just faint when there is a big crowd you could faint in front of ten people. You are seriously so hopeless."

"Alright, alright. I get it. I'm not allowed to be alone."

"Do you have medicine? Do you have enough food to last awhile? Do you have enough snacks to make sure you don't die? Do you have shampoo and deo-" He asks sounding like and overprotective mother that hasn't seen her child in decades.

I shrug, "I've been eating cup ramen for a while, but I also don't know how to cook so...." I say trying to stop his list of questions.

"You are so hopeless." He insilts again, though I know he means no harm woth it.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I joke trying to lighten the mood a tiny bit.

"Come on, I'll call the others and tell them we'll have to go some other time. I need to make sure you don't starve to death." He informs, sortof displaying a tad bit of annoyance.

"But I don't wanna..." I complain while stomping my foot like a child.

"Go change!" He yells throwing a pillow from the livingroom couch at me.

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