Kiss Him Not Me! - Shinomiya Hayato

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~ (Y/n) is kind of described to be super fat, but she's just mildly chubby

Also sorry this took three months to write, I couldn't think of a storyline


Shini <3

Wow, you're sooooo cool,
(Y/n), what would I EVER
do without you?

I'd rather not think about it,
it's such a sad thought :,(

Ew, don't use such ugly
emojis in my presence

:,( You wound me, Shini,
you wound me.

Haha, whatever you say
you narcissist


Are you like this with
everyone or do you just
hate me?



JK jk. You know I
love you, right Shini?

Of course, I do, (Y/n),
you never let me hear

he end of it.

:D lol I wuv u so berry much I
wuld wuv to cwuddle u up n
giv u huggie wuggies

Ew!! StoP

I wuv u uwu owo
xd rawr


Nooo I'm joking come baaack
Come baaack


You secretly love me,
let's face it, yeah?

Nope! I love Serinuma.

Yeah, I know, I mean you love
me as a friend.
As if I'd care if you like me romantically lolol.


I gtg, talk to you later, ok?

Yeah, see ya good
luck at the new school :)

Thanks (:


I stuff my pocket into my phone and look up at the school. I gulp before I walk through the front doors, my eyes start to adjust to the new lighting before I groan.

I go to my assigned locker and switch my shoes around before heading to the teacher's office. I'm well equipped with experience of transferring schools constantly. I guess getting bullied comes with its territory. Not that I ever really asked to be bullied.

"You must be the transfer student," A teacher says while standing up from one of the desks. I nod my head and offer her a smile, though I am very uncomfortable.

She waves me over towards her and I go over without a complaint, because what else am I to do? She sits me down and we go over the usual stuff. Whatever rules she has in place, who the class president is, what we are currently learning. Basically, just the rundown of it all. After what feels like an eternity, she leads me to her classroom. The halls are empty due to the bell having just rung, but it puts my mind to ease better.

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