Sword Art Online - Kirito

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This is based off of a true story of mine :)


"How long has this been happening?" Kirito asks, sitting on the opposite side of the table from me. I can see his stress and fear for me, but I can't help but feel like he thinks I'm useless. Like I can't do anything on my own, which isn't true. I do everything on my own and I certainly don't need his help with this.

I look from his worried frown to my cup of hot tea. My hands wrapped tightly around the base of the mug, through the loop, and my fingers intertwine where they meet. My palm burns as the ceramic presses into my skin, but I can't feel the pain that's associated with the heat. Instead I can only think about how pathetic I am.

For so long I've been able to handle myself, I've protected myself, fed myself, did everything. But this is the thing that gets to me? Something that I could solve with one confrontation, but I can't. I feel empty and scared, since when have I felt scared?

I shake my head, I can't tell him that it's been going on for the entire time of SAO. He'd lose his mind. My grip on the cup grows stronger and I'm afraid that it'll crack under the pressure I'm putting on it, but I can't stop myself.

Kirito probably doesn't know how stressful this is for me, I don't expect him to. He's just now learning about it, which makes him the one other person in my life to know.

My parents don't know, my siblings don't know, not even my best friend knows.

"It started slow..." I mumble, "he'd come talk to me whenever he saw me in towns. I thought he was just being polite since I had helped him out once during the start of the game. We went o a few missions together, it was fun. Then...I guess I started seeing him around more often. He'd follow me around...stand outside my house...stalk me everywhere I went. It's scarier than going on missions or boss levels."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because he's a higher level than I am!" I shout, "If I said anything to him he'd end up hurting me. There is nothing I could do Kirito."

"No, you could have told me."

"No you're the last person that needs to know. I know you, Kirito, you'll treat me like I'm a fragile little baby, which I'm not! I'm capable of handling things on my own."

"But it's been years and you haven't yet. This guy could be planning on killing you."

"But he hasn't yet!"

"But he's clearly unstable so you don't know if or when he'll decide to. It's not safe."


"(Y/n)!" He shouts, taking me by surprise. Not only does he never use my real life name, but he never shouts at me. "You know this is for the best."

After a few seconds of staring at him, eyed peeled open, my pupils vibrating, and my cheeks ghost-white, I agree. It's a simple head bob, took less than half a second, buts all Kirito needed. He smiles at me, consumes me in a hug that strangely enough I've been dying for since I first told him.

"You're OK now....don't worry."


I lean against the wall, terrified as to what he is going to do when he realizes I'm still in the area. Will he kill me? What about Kirito? I'm pretty sure Kirito was planning on bringing the others to confront him later tonight, so why am I here?

Why did I decide that I'd do it? Kirito will be back home any second and when he realizes that I'm not there he's going to freak out.

I gather up all of my courage, the fear that is deep within me gets buried underneath my hatred for this man. My chest raises and falls as I try to slow my heart beat to a reasonable rate. Without another second if stalling I turn out of the alley way I'm hiding behind and confront the man. My rage and contempt more than evident in the wrinkles on my nose.

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