Black Butler- Ciel

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~In high school~ 
~Senior year~
~Second Person~

"Ciel!!!" Lizzy yells jumping on her ex-fiance. Despite them no longer being engaged, she is still happy-go-luck and likes hugging him.

Which really made you angry. She knew you like him, but she still was so touchy feel-y with him.

You three were right outside of the school eating your food. It wasn't just you guys there, there was Alois, too- or usually there would be. Right now he is teasing a bunch of freshmen.

Alois is like your best friend, sure he may be stuck up and annoying at times, but he was still cool to hang with. His butler, Claude got on your nerves though.

Ciel and Alois obviously didn't get along.

You stand and Ciel and Lizzy look at you. You smile at them. "I'm gonna go check on Alois, I don't want him getting into too much trouble." You turn on my heels, leaving my food on the table and head to where you last saw the dude.

You see him teasing some poor freshman. You silently watch behind a corner.

"W-We don't want any trouble." One boy says.

"We're super sorry!" One says.

"You spilled juice on!" Alois yells. "I can't fight with Ciel if I have a giant juice stain on my pants. I look like I wet myself!"

"We are super sorry!!"

"How are you gonna fix this?" Alois asks.

You step in, "Alois, that's enough." 

He turns to you. "But (Y/N)~!"

"You can't go a year without being a jerk, huh?"

"(Y/N)~! Don't say that!"

"It's true." You chuckle. "I think Ciel would find this very amusing, maybe I'll go call him over... I mean, you look like you wet yourself."

"(Y/N)! You wouldn't~!" He whines.

You laugh. "Come on. We'll head inside. You can go the restroom and clean up while I wait outside."

"Can you help me~?"

Yoi roll my eyes. "No."

"But (Y/N)~!"

"Fine, I won't wait. I will just sit with Ciel and Lizzy."

You turn and begin walking. He goes after you, laughing.

"(Y/N)!" He cheers, happily.

You two walk side by side.

"So, Lizzy told me you had a crush on someone."

"Who did she tell you?" You ask, nonchalant.

"She didn't. She just said 'I know who (Y/N) likes and you don't' over and over again."

"Good." You say.

"So who is it?"

"Does it really matter?"

"Yes." He says, seriously. "I am your best friend, I need to know this stuff. What are you scared I'll be jealous~?"

"A little."

"Don't worry." He laughs. "I don't like you like that."

"Good to know." You roll your eyes. "But that isn't the main reason why I won't tell you."

"Then what is?"

~Time Skip~ ~Readers POV~

I sit with Ciel and Lizzy and wait for Alois to hurry back from the restroom. I sit on a short brick wall right next to the table.

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