Sick Whelp ~Aela x Reader~ (gxg)

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This is my first Skyrim x reader, so please go soft on me with this. Aela is kind of hard to write.
Let's play a game of where McKenna took a week off (well really forgot) of writing!

You had a pain in your side from a bandit stabbing you there, when you were on a mission.

You were laying in the bed in the shared room where Ria and the rest slept. It was early afternoon and everyone else was out upstairs or out of Jorrvaskr. As you were in that room, only silence was your company.

The large wooden door creaked open, echoing a bit in the room. A long red/orange hair lady stepped in, in green and brown armour. It was Aela.

She walked towards your bed, leaving you wondering why she walked in here in the first place.

"Are you feeling okay Y/N? Kodlak told me to check up on you, well Farkas was asked first. His ice brain wouldn't know how to take care of a mudcrab if he tried." She let out her softer side a little.

"Don't be so harsh on Farkas, Vilkas wouldn't like that and he has the strengths."

She said nothing but muttered something under her breath. She got out a bottle of wine, well what looked like it, but it has a blue color to it than green. "Don't worry, it's not wine. I just put the liquid in a wine bottle. Some person from the collage gave us this a few years ago.-" "A FEW YEARS AGO?!"

She stared at you from looking at the liquid, "it'll be fine. This stuff can last for centuries, or decades." You felt the worry fly off your shoulder a little, some of it staying. She gave you the liquid and you took a swing of it, leaving a burning sensation on your breath.

She started taking care of you everyday of the week until the 5th day, when you felt a little better to fight.
"Come on new blood! Get your back into it!" Vilkas growled as his sword came against yours. You growled and got interrupted in your fighting to Aela watching, coming closer to you two.

"Aela, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out hunting with-"
She glared at Vilkas from staring at you,

"Y/N, come with me." She grabbed your arm and started pulling you out of the yard. "Is it urgent or something!?" Quite annoyed with how she was acting lately, changing her personality quickly to always wanting to be with you. Taking you on walks around Whiterun, trying to get your attention. She couldn't help her possession on you, something that made her think about at night other than on killing people.

Thinking about the people she killed scared her to the bone. She tried to hide her real personality, her weeping of Skjor. Her werewolf urges that'll come every day. Her possession of you got the best of her, not sure how to stop it.

She laughed half heartedly, "no whelp! I just wanted to go on a hunt adventure with you!" She broke her, her real personality couldn't help but come out of the shadows. Y/N couldn't help but smile at Aela, even when she was annoyed. "Vilkas will likely give you a huge lecture when we get back." Y/N commented as they walked out of the gates of Whiterun.

Aela stopped in her tracks and turned around, facing Y/N, "do I really look like I would care about Vilkas and his blabber?" Y/N smile faded, thinking Aela took offense on her serious approach. "No..I..uh." She couldn't finish her sentence, unsure how to untangle the words coming out. "No worries, Y/N." She spoke in a soft, reassuring whisper, knowing she was loss of her words, that she was worried.

The two went on with their adventure.

I honestly wasn't sure how to end this.

Update from future author: this is so cringey like I cannot-

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