[Joke] Luigi x Waluigi

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What did I write to be honest

This makes me so emotional.
Waluigi gets so much hate it's not funny. Luigi's look at Waluigi makes my heart break into two like the two guys. This song is the best for them because it explains how Luigi's love for Waluigi he had until he saw Waluigi in bed wih Boozer. Waluigi's heart wants Luigi back in his life. But all they are are just two lonely plumbers that fight in sports, racing, and saving the princess. The two want each other so much that when Luigi and Waluigi look into each other's eyes, they have to hold back the tears they want to shed for their soulmate. Waluigi can't even look at Mario, because he thinks of his forgotton soulmate. They both think the other forgot about them, and they deny their love for the other. But when they are in each other's eyesight the world stops, all it can be heard is the sniffles from Luigi and the heart breaking from Waluigi. But all they can do is drive and win the race to get the award. All they can do is drive. And Waluigi's heart stops when Mario tells him that Luigi is going into the the meme war. "For who?" He asks, curiousity burning.
"For you, Waluigi." Mario answers honestly. Waluigi then slowly goes into crippling depression and kills his wahself.
Luigi goes to the funeral and he speaks about Waluigi, "he was my love. My soulmate, and my meme destroying buddy." Then Luigi kills himself to be with Waluigi in Wahven.


Some tribute songs to the otp 😢😢😢😢😢

😢😢😢😢😢 They didn't know they loved the other one back and they were soliders in the meme war 😢😢😢 two soliders who loved each other and fought for the other for them to stay alive to see their face once more.
Now they're in wahven and playing tennis in the clouds

What did I make tbh
I'll probably want more if you guys want it
Lowkey I like making these parodies of people who look too much into emotional photos or lyrics for a couple.

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