Bedspread ~Vilkas x reader~

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"No, I want the one with flowers!""No! That's too girly! I want-"Ancano, in a worker's outfit came over and spoke in a highly feminine voice to Vilkas and Y/N

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"No, I want the one with flowers!"
"No! That's too girly! I want-"
Ancano, in a worker's outfit came over and spoke in a highly feminine voice to Vilkas and Y/N. "Having a problem over here?~"
"...No." Vilkas spoke coldly and grabbed the bag with the bedspread he wanted. The bedspread had little drawings of books on it. "Because I am getting the one I want." Y/N glared at Vilkas and ripped it out of his hands. "No you're not!"
Vilkas growled and grabbed it back, holding it close to his chest. "Yes I am!"
Y/N grabbed the bedspread with flowers, that she wanted. "Then I am getting the bedspread I wanted to get!"
"Fine then!" Vilkas yelled at her and walked away, still holding his bedspread. He went up the cashier, which he saw Ancano again. Ancano checked it out for him and Vilkas paid for his, but Ancano had to comment about the Nord.
"I have to say.." Vilkas looked at the High Elf, waiting. "Your body is pretty good for ballet. Here I'll get you one of my-" He grabbed the pink sheet with barbie stickers all over the paper, wanting Vilkas to join. Vilkas looked at the paper, "Um, no. Sorry buddy." He walked out, still angry over the fight he had over bedspreads.
Y/N stepped up to the counter and paid for her bedspread, not getting a pink sheet. Ancano thought she wasn't worthy enough for ballet. Ancano rolled his eyes as she walked out, he didn't like her one bit.

Then when Vilkas and her got into the car, it was quiet for a few seconds until the two getting into a heated make out.

Yeah, I don't know.

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