Days off with him

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As in when you both aren't out adventuring, anyone want me to add any other characters or any plot for this boyfriend scenario thing? I've been very into writing detailed things (like how he kisses you, etc). So if anyone has any detailed plot ideas, that would be nice!

Days off with Bishop can really go anywhere; it can either be heated the other moment, fights another, or just cuddling on the bed while his wolf sleeps at your feet. Half of the time Bishop and you do the do (;)), but sometimes he just wants to treat you. He doesn't like to admit he does- well he does brag about it to the men in the inn that he treats you like a princess and he is a true man. This..sigh...can usually lead to fist fights to any angry nord. But he likes to bring you food in bed, do whatever he can for you so you don't have to. He blushes whenever you compilment him on it, but the he might boast that he's a true man and everything else. Then there's some mornings to where he likes to just cuddle in bed all day and not move an inch.
(I think I sucked at Bishop at him, but ehhhh)

Vilkas on days off, he likes to spend it with you. Either he's training you, chatting with you, or he's reading a story to you. On days like these, it's nice to listen to his stories or for him to read you a book. He likes to get up early, to spend more time in the day, than he usually does. On other days he likes to sleep late and grumpy if you wake him up early.

Casavir rarely has days off as he is packed with guard duty, but when he does he likes to buy stuff for you. Go to trips to stores and let you buy anything you want with his coin. He likes to buy you surpise gifts too, and be a gentlemen. Maybe buy you a scarf for the cold that's been in Solitude. Then after all the shopping, he likes to bring you to the winking skeever to spend the rest of the night with. After all of that, you two go to his room (or your house) and cuddle the whole night.

On days off, which he barely has because he always has to be on watch. He let someone else take charge for the whole day, someone he can trust, he likes to walk around on the hills and area around his village. Get into a few fights with bandits or other enemies, and he likes to tell you stories in a very deep detail you admire. You like how he tells stories, how detail he is, his word choice, his opinions.

On days off, Farkas likes you to give him massages as his back is always sore and what not. You have to go on spider hunting around Jorrvaskr because he thinks that a spider is nearby. Usually he sits at the dining table and you two blabber about whatever comes to your minds while drinking mead. He trains you, only if you want to.

I think I sorta sucked at this, sorry, but it's pretty fun to do! I hope I got them to fit their personalities.

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