Clothes shopping with him

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Sorrryyyy for my less amount of x readers. I just felt so tired and unmoviated the last few days.
At least today I got some sweet ass boots. Yeah boiiiiii.
I was thinking though, because I don't really post anything on my tumblr, I may make a new one and do something like this? Imagines for Skyrim characters? Would anyone like that? (If they have tumblr)
On my snapchat:

I was thinking though, because I don't really post anything on my tumblr, I may make a new one and do something like this? Imagines for Skyrim characters? Would anyone like that? (If they have tumblr)On my snapchat:

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BishopI don't think Bishop honestly would really care for shopping for clothes

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I don't think Bishop honestly would really care for shopping for clothes. He would complain but then when your not looking, he would smile and lowkey like it. Because..yeah.
If it happened way often, he would get annoyed.
"Oh another shopping spree again, Ladyship? isn't this like your fifth time this month already?"
"Is this what women like doing these days? I thought women these days were chasing around dragons."

Vilkas would be annoyed by this somedays, and then okay with it the next. Usually when you're shopping for clothes/armor/etc, he would just walk around or just read.

Ancano (idk)
"Ew, your wearing THAT? Girl, no, this green one fits wayyyy better."
Ancano, the fashion guru.
For real though
"Oh another shopping spree? really, dragonborn? that's what you do in your spare time?"
"And you suspect me to come with you on your usual shopping sprees?"
"Again?" He sighs. "I suppose I could go with." He rolled his eyes and then spoke defensefully in a stern tone. "For this time only."

Him? Farkas wouldn't care, he would probably throw in some joke about it happening often. He would come with and probably just stand around.

"Is that what you do when you're not hunting for gold?" He laughs a little, "Okay, fine, I'll come with."
To be honest, I don't even know with him.

"Oh! Clothes shopping with the listener! Oh what a treat Cicero will have!"
"Oh yes! Oh yes! Anything for the listener!"
Pretty much sums it up

"Uh..clothes shopping?"
"Why would you have a need for that? we have leather here, blacksmith, everything you may need- ohhh, right."
Cael, what did I do to you. You're so ooc.

Casavir closes his book, "Alright, I suppose. A trip around Solitude with my fair lady I suppose?"

Preggo or/and first date for the next one? (I dug through my requests and found this one hiding in the comments on one of these).

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