Drunk ~Drunk!Bishop x reader~ (1/2)

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Requested by RiisaTheHunter

Alcohol, sweet rolls straight out of the oven, food in the cooking pot, wood burning in the fire that was just added minutes ago. She remembered the bar her father owned and they lived in because the didn't have enough money to pay for another place to own. Sure they had a lot of coin flowing in, but they spent most of it for the food, drinks, and pay for the bills. She was the only child and sometimes she wished she had a sister or brother. She grew lonely from her not being able to get along with others her age. Her quiet, shy, and being a introvert personality didn't help her. It seemed like her father was her only friend at times and it actually was. Growing up with a mother who died a few weeks after her being born and dealing with drunk customers, her father was the only person to turn to.

The fondest memory she still remembers and thinks often about is one time when it was early in the morning and hardly anyone was inside. She sat on the bar, whipping down the polished wood with the rag multiple time out of being bored. Her father looked at her from just washing his hands.
"Y/N, listen to me for a second."
She rose her head and stares at him, waiting for his answer. "Yes?"
"I just wanted to let you know that you are going to get somewhere in life."
At that time, she didn't believe him, but he was right. After having to defeat a dragon in Whiterun, and hearing the dragon's roar and finally killing the beast. She got some power in her, her body tingled as she seemed to absorb some power from the dragon. Leaving the creature just bones and some slight skin in hard to reach places. Some guards told her she was the dragonborn, which she didn't believe for a moment.
When coming back to Whiterun, to tell the jarl the news of the defeat of the dragon, some men in the sky chanted some words in a language different from hers. People around, who heard that, became curious as she did. Then after learning more about the Dragonborn and she finally believes she was of what they were talking about. Some guards can be smart, for once.

But with her being dragonborn, she was scared. She was more targeted and known around Skyrim, fearing what will happen to her. Even with people's honor towards her and compliments on what she did, that uneasy feeling of the fear didn't go away. The Greybeards told her it'll pass and everyone feels like that when they learn of their power. After months, weeks, and days, that fear never went away. Was it from her childhood? She was always scared of everything, so maybe. So the Dragonborn tried to hide it as much as she could, even if the word went out and a lot of people known. Some were jealous for her title and how every single citizen in Skyrim seemed to praise the ground she walked, the fear got larger. The Dragonborn got praises, yes, but she got insults as she walked around towns, cities, and villages. The feat never seemed to leave her paranoia mind.

The bar seemed to bring back memories of when she was a child, but she didn't miss the loud nights when she couldn't sleep from the noise downstairs in the bar.
Some people walked back and forth and when the way was clear for her, something caught her eye.
His brown hair, that looked lighter or even a dark blonde in certain light, and his muscular appearance drawn her attention somehow. Getting closer, she finally heard his voice. He seemed really drunk and a little tipsy as she would be scared of him falling out of his chair, if she was the bartender here.
More gruff, but a lot like the stereotypical male voice, he raised his empty cup. "More to drink, please?! I'm not waiting here all damn day for another refill." His drunken slurr seemed to make the rushed bartender worry. She quickly grabbed his cup and refilled it, then quickly giving it back. The bar seemed packed tonight. There was a open spot next to him, she checked if her hood was up all the way to her liking and sat next to him.
He noticed her and looked over, gripping his cup hard.
"What're you? Some mage in the College Of Winterhold?"
Nervous came over her as she shifted, her fingers brushing over the furr outlining on the hood lightly as she stared at the wood bar. "No, I'm just a normal adventurer, trying to live life exciting. What's your name?"
"Really? You ask me my name after I just insulted you? You should see I don't like you, so how about you-" She interrupted him, having enough of his drunk insults. "Hey, Miss. Bartender." The Dragonborn got the attention of the blonde bartender. She looked over while washing out a cup.
"Yes, dearie?"
"He seems really drunk, how many drinks did he have?"
She tried to remember and answered, "A few, I suppose." Y/N shrugged and got off her stool, putting her hand on his shoulder to escort him out.
"You, sir, seem really drunk and should be in bed. C'mon, I'll bring you to your house."
"But I don't need anyone to help me. I'm fine." He got out of seat, as if he forgot what he said. He wobbled a little and she steadied him.
"Easy, easy, steady."

She helped him outside the bar and looked around in the dark town. "Where's your house?"
"I don't have one, I move place to place..but I'm not homeless!" He looked down the alleyway between two building and at another alleyway. "I usually stay in an inn." Y/N rolled her eyes and brought him to her house, maybe she was a little too trusting. How was he when he was sober?

"Don't think I'm no man who would just sleep with anyone in a bar." He looked around at her house and stumbled a little, until getting onto a bench in her house. He held his head and tried to not feel dizzy.
She smiled at him being drunk and hung up her coat, just getting back from Dawnstar. "I haven't even got your name. Mine's Y/N."
He took a moment to answer, "Bishop."
She sighed, growing tired, and looked around for the guest room for him to sleep in. When finding it, she went back to where he sat.
"Well c'mon, let's get you into bed." She helped him up and got him into the guest room.

In the morning, Bishop came into the kitchen while rubbing his head.
"Where am I?" He looked up to find the person, he only has small remembrance of, cooking.
"You were drunk and you had no place to go, so I decided to bring you here. Hope you don't mind." She replied and grabbed a bowl to put their breakfast in for the two of them.
This girl is too trusting. Hasn't she known not to trust anyone with the stuff going on now? Or is she this dumb?
She placed a bowl in front of him and hers, across of him at the table. She sat down and started eating without any worry.
He cleared his throat, "You're Y/N right?" She nodded and continuing eating. "Okay then."
She grinned mischievously at him as she stared. He growled, "What?"
"Just that you don't seem to know me."
"Do I need to? Are you a Jarl I am suppose to kiss your feet and make up lies about how good you are to please you?" She shook her head, "I'm not a Jarl. I'm actually the.." She swallowed hard and took a deep breath, "The Dragonborn."
He looked her up and down, not seeming amused, "You don't seem like one."
"Then what does a Dragonborn suppose to look like?"
"I dunno. Taller, muscular, maybe a guy, longer hair, usually brown is how they paint the stereotypical Dragonborn in books. A helmet he usually wears." Bishop shrugged and finished eating, pushing the bowl away.
"Well, I mean, you're one of the few people I've told it publically to than being remembered."
"What do you mean?" He arched his eyebrow at her, confused. He thought a Dragonborn would love to tell others about them, and the compliments they receive from being one. Maybe this was a different Dragonborn than how the Dragonborn is told and shown in history.

To be continued (?)
I was just really lazy to finish this, sorry! Hope you enjoy it!

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