Farmer boy ~Agmaer x reader~ (2/2)

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The beginning might be slightly different from where I left off. I tried to add more detail to this. Also, I keep making short x readers today, sorry about that.

As she stood over him, he freezed, shaking from fear and the cold freezing his bones.
“I-I should tell Isran.” He muttered, his crossbow shaking in his hands as he kept a watch on his crush who’s now a vampire.
“No!-” He was scared stiff at her yelling, fear risen inside him. She sighed and went on, “tell him if you want to. It’s your job to kill vampires, if you can’t kill me then Isran will.” He swallowed a lump in his throat, “but I don’t want to kill you..” Tears pierced his eyes and he couldn’t stop crying, it shows weakness. But he was the weakest of the group, even with Isran’s training won’t even help him. Does he even have a use to be in the Dawnguard if every blood sucking fiend scares him to death? He sighed, he did have no use, why not join them then? Maybe he’ll be useful then.

“Agmaer, I never told you this, but your really my first ever real attraction. Even with your dumb decisions at times, you really do care for people. No man in Skyrim could compare to how much I feel attracted to you, even the hottest man ever could be in front of me and I’d still choose you.”
His dream.
Was he dreaming or is this true?
“Kill me if you wish, I just told you my last words.” He lowered his crossbow, “no.”
“No what?”
“I won’t kill you. I can’t.”
“Then don’t, come here.”

She held him in his arms, the urge was still there to pierce her fangs into his flesh on his neck. Such an easy thing to do right now.
“I want to become one with you, I am no use to the dawnguard anyways and I was only in it for you. Turn me into my enemy, I’m ready.”

Rip my writing skill
Sorry I’m making short x readers today, any requests with (maybe) a plot idea to them? I’m slowly easing back into writing from a short break with being busy and not having ideas.

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