Confusion with a hint of jealousy ~Jealous!Vilkas x Reader x Farkas~ (2)

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Anger still flood her head as she made her journey back to Jorrvaskr. Not even wanting to look back at Farkas, who made her stop fighting with the man she got too angered with.
With a strong force, she was pushed back onto the ground, the dirt flew up and stirred from the force. Looking up, he saw the man she was fighting with being pushed back and yelled at. By a man who was tall, more built than the man’s skinny figure, with long black hair. As well as iron armor on.
The tall and well built man, who she recognized was Farkas, stomped over to her as the skinny built one was worriedly looking over at her. His hand gripped the doorknob of his house, and soon slipped inside.
“Come on, get up, you didn’t need to be that rough with that guy.” He held his hand out to help her up, she gulped and grabbed his hand, being pulled up. At how beautiful whiterun looked like outside the city at night didn’t matter to her right now. She was scared stiff with Farkas; how mad he was. “I anger got the best of me. Sorry.” Farkas was already making his way up to the city gates, too angry to deal with her right at this moment. And the newcomer thought Vilkas was worse when angry, she was wrong.

Y/N was feeling embarrassed stepping into Jorrvaskr, her hand touched the door as she traced the wood carvings to ignore the feeling. As if everyone in Whiterun knew she messed up, like they were watching her every move and being prepared for her to fail. Noticing the sounds of Farkas’ feet against the stone stairs, she opened the door and went inside. Not thinking of that feeling that hit her again after she went inside. Farkas was the last thing to deal with on her mind.
The gut feeling of some being more wolf than man hit her, how they starred and they sniffed her scent when she came into any room they were in. Y/N wasn’t looking into the gold--she probably wouldn’t get any from being too rough with the person.

Vilkas, Aela, Skjor, and a few others watched the newcomer make her way to the downstairs to go see Kodlak.
The door opened and Farkas came in, his face showed his emotion and no one questioned it. Aela spoke up to what the four were thinking, “is it just me or does she have this..strange feeling and scent about her?” She asked, leaning against one of the stills that was holding the building in place on the inside.
“No, I can sense it too.” Skjor added and watched Farkas, who sat next to his twin.
“She seems more wolf, like us.” Vilkas told truthfully as Farkas just sat there in a stir of his emotions. Farkas regretted acting like that to her, but she shouldn’t have done that far and she should understand that. He tried not to kill people or hurt anyone severely, than if they're a threat or an enemy. Farkas was jealous of Vilkas’ smarts and how logical he was, but he grew over the years to get over it.

After a silence went on for too long, Aela spoke again.
“Should we talk about it to her?”
“Or Kodlak?” Skjor asked.
“I remember she guessed, which is basically not sure, when I confronted her about it. Maybe she somehow didn’t understand the feelings she had more sense of and thought it was normal?” Aela nodded in agreement and Vilkas went on. “With Kodlak, he probably wouldn’t know as the two hasn’t talked that often. With her, maybe, but it has to be with someone she is the closest to. Is she close with anyone here?”

Aela smirked and noticed how much Vilkas knew about her. “And how do you know so much about this newcomer? She has only been here for a month, or a few.” Vilkas face flushed red as he thought of what to say, he didn’t suspect this, and neither did the other two.
“I-..I, uh, have been with her for some time. Kodlak always wants me to train her and to help her with her leg.” Aela rolled her eyes, knowing he was lying, “I see.” She turned her head to look at Farkas as Vilkas took a deep breath of relief--to what he thought she believed.
“Farkas, do you know the new blood well?”
Their eyes all rested on Farkas as he moved uncomfortably in the wooden chair. “N-No, just as much as you guys.” Farkas anger was gone, and he didn’t want to fully admit he liked her as his brother did. “Bummer, I guess I’ll talk to her about it.”
“No!” Vilkas yelled, getting out of his seat quickly. “I will. I mean, I already talked to her about it. She’ll probably give me information on it anyways.”

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