Reading before bedtime (1/2) ~Loving!Vilkas x Wife!Reader~

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~Some of the physical details may not fit you, like dimples or body type. Sometimes I imagine a certain character and I sorta make up a character myself. But I try to keep it a x reader. When thinking of this character, I actually started to like her and shipped her with Vilkas. Also, do you notice I make up a backstory for almost every x reader? Sorry if you hate that!~
(Maybe turn this character into a short fanfict if you like her? Idk what the plot would be)
~I did this on a school night, so I'll check my mistakes later~

Vilkas sweeped his bookshelf for a new book to read to his wife, he had a promise to her they made one sleepless night that he would always read her a story when she gets back from adventuring. It was like a, "Hey at least you're not dead!" change of things. He took out a book at the very end of the array if books on one shelf they used up.
Grabbing it and dusting off the orange and gold cover, it read, The Lusty Argonian Maid. He stared at it, trying to remember when and where he got this mysterious book. He decided it would be a new experience to read a book to his wife that he never read before. Vilkas put it onto his desk, waiting until the Harbinger came home.

The Harbinger came home with a sigh, taking off her satchel at the door of his room. She closed the door and then silently changed into more comfy clothing than heavy armour.
"How was your adventure?" Vilkas grinned and kissed her cheek after she changed into a tunic that fit her body well, and brown baggy pants, but tight around the ankle. There was light tan string on the string around her ankle. Miners wore these so dirt or dust couldn't easily get on them or inside their clothes.

But she was never a miner, her mother was and her family was mining driven. She was being planned to be one, but she took up the chance to be a warrior. Her story is not as sad as many adventurers stories are, her family let her go to be a warrior. They were disappointed in the fact she wasn't going to be a miner, but it was simple as that. Then she found the Companions in Whiterun.

"Y'know the usual, fighting twenty wolves that a bandit had in cages. Fighting a cave of vampires, they even turned a bear into a vampire." He smiled as he listened to her go on and on about her quests and encounters while tying up her (h/c) hair into a loose ponytail. She was quite the talker when she would get going about certain topics, other than that she was silent and deadly. Using daggers, magic, or her handy old bow for fighting. Her cheeks were populated in freckles, that Vilkas liked to poke at when he was trying to annoy her.
She spotted the book laying on the table, "You ready to read to me yet?" Vilkas nodded eagerly and went to grab the book. She laid down in bed and waited for him to sit down and read, she looked forward to this when her body ached from adventuring. She moved her feet back and forth in excitement, wanting to know what the book is about.
Vilkas took a seat in the chair next to the bed, "I don't really know what this book is about. So it's a new experience for us to read this together."
She smiled at him while he opened to the first page, he read the first line.
"Certainly not, kind sir! I am here but to clean your chambers."
As the Nord read more and more, he started growing a light pink on his cheeks. His stuttering of the words that were more sexual were obvious now. His cheeks got even more pink when he heard the giggle of the Harbinger. Now he grew embarrassed, and when he's embarrassed, he gets mad at whoever made him feel this way. With sass in his tone, he confidently spoke, "I thought the Harbinger would be more mature."
His wife glared at him, not liking what he said at all. "Well I'm sorry for finding you blushing and stuttering funny and cute. Maybe you should be able to take someone laughing at you, than acting like a tiny child."
Vilkas sighed, "I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." He started reading again, finally finishing the book in a matter of minutes.

He crawled into bed, still blushing. He laid next to her in the bed, turning towards the stone wall.
"Vilkas, c'mon, it wasn't that bad. It would be worse if you read it to all of the members in the companions." Vilkas just stayed there, seeming like he didn't listen to her comforting words.
He groaned and turned onto his back, looking up. "Please just leave me alone.." He pulled up the covers over his neck and turned back to facing the wall. He was having one of those moments when you embarrass him enough that he will be cold and moody. She sighed, turning on her side and back to him.

Will Vilkas keep being moody to her? Did the book change his grumpy life? Does he turn into grumpy cat by her testing with magic on him? Who knows! Find out in part 2!

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