Promised ~Ulfric x reader~

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I never thought I could love anyone, even with my eyes just landing on someone whom I know nothing about. It just happened, the love feeling, the wanting to get closer feel. Thinking about her constantly. I tell myself I shouldn't of fell in love with her, but how can you not with a girl like her?

Sighing, the stress of the war got worse everyday. Another soldier died, maybe only one, hundred, or thousand. Sometimes he just wants to step down, but he won’t, he's too into.this and he wants this to happen in Skyrim. He can’t just give up now, it would make him look a fool. A laughing stock of all of Tamriel, it would make the imperial supporters proud and cackle.

“You shouldn’t just put so much pressure on yourself, maybe just take a small break. Put Galmer in charge.”
“No!” Ulfric angrily pushed the books, map markers, and the map as well onto the cold stone floor. Breathing heavily as he gripped the table. “Foolish, they need me. I can’t just take a break, it would stress me out even more.”
“Then just step down-”
“Step down? You have to be kidding me..” He looked over at the books and the other stuff that was on the table. “Come with me, Galmer will pick this up.” Ulfric quickly walked down the small hallway and to his quarters, ordering Galmer to clean it up.
“Galmer! Pick the stuff off the floor and put them on the table.” He walked to the quarters and opened the door, Galmer nodded and went off to clean the mess.

Ulfric stood next to the window, looking at the pale blue sky with barely any clouds. Then down at the small group of his army walking down the trail.
“You know we can’t keep this secret forever, and I haven’t decided yet.”
Still stressed, he answered blankly with no thought. “Then pick. Simple.” The girl raised her eyebrow, “so you just diss off our relationship? Not giving a care for it?”
Ulfric was scared, he loved her too much, but she was the messenger for the imperials and under their fingertips.
“I’ll find a way, after the war we will be safe and sound.”
Ulfric heard a book being opened on his table, he turned and saw Y/N opening to a random page in a book he has. “I’ll take your word for it, you promise me this?” She didn’t look at him as her eyes followed the words on the page.
“I promise.”

The small (r/o/c) came in, making the door echo when it was closed behind her. Taking quick steps towards him, he could sense her nervousness as many were nervous to stand or talk to him.
When she got close to him, she held out a rolled up paper.
“Here, from General Tullius.”
Opening the letter, he read what was written on the flimsy paper. “What does he want now?”
Ulfric read the following words aloud to everyone in the room, the messenger girl just stood still and she had this weird attraction to him. Even if he was on the opposite side of the war than her, and who she worked for.
“Tullius basically says to meet him in this ruin and fight against his men. No matter, we’ve dealt with these coward people  before.” Ulfric looked over at Galmer to get his reaction. Y/N watched Galmer show some sign to Ulfric, he got off his throne and followed him inside this room to the side. The messenger thought it was time to leave, she quickly made her way back to Solitude. Having enough with the cold Windhelm gave to them.

She dipped her quill into some ink and exicted started writing, it’s been months and she can’t stop thinking about him.
Ulfric, the one I’ve been thinking about lately.
I can’t shake the nerve and feeling you give me, it feels wrong almost. You are on the opposite side of me, but it gives me a thrill as well. Thrill of falling in love with the enemy whom I can’t stop thinking about. You may or may not think the same as I do, but I just decided to pour out my thoughts and feelings about you into this. Stupid of me, an imperial could be watching me write this and easily report this to Tulis. But, I doubt that. I don’t think anyone caught on to our little relationship yet.
Yours truly, the messenger girl.

“Ulfric, sir, this letter came by, and she wants to be anonymous.” The small male courier spoke and handed Ulfric the letter, he smiled as he recognized who wrote it. But he is sad she didn’t make her way over to give him the letter personally.
“I must go now, have many other letters to deliver.” The courier apologizes and showed him the bag that was full of letters, some almost spilling out of the bag on his side. Ulfric nodded as he paid more attention to what she had to say in the letter. After he read it he read it again and again until the voice of hers he imagined, was gone.
“My lord?” Ulfric turned and looked down at Galmer, “are you alright? You’ve been more quiet lately.” Galmer asked him worriedly. Ulfric shook his head, “I’m fine Galmer. This war is really taking a toll on me.”
“I can imagine, but just knew that we will win this war.”
“I hope so.”

Ulfric didn’t imagine that this would happen, he actually won the war. He grinned when he saw Elisif step down so willingly. He thought she had some strength and braveness left in her, but he didn’t mind. She was a puppet for the Thalmor anyway. He took a deep breath as he walked out of the castle, ready to face his people back in Windhelm. He stepped out and looked at all the faces; some glad, some disappointed, some cheered and some just crossed their arms.
“Now, everyone, as I take the rightful place as high king of Skyrim. We have won, the Thalmor won’t take our beliefs away from us and we all can pray to Talos in safety. No more worries if a Thalmor spy is watching you. My army, I, and Galmer will go out and look for thalmor headquarters to safe the nords and others trapped within. Today will be a day we all cry in disappointment and pride, today we will look down at our families and see a bright future for them in Skyrim. Today, is a day we get our freedom back for our religious beliefs.”
Ulfric smiled as the cheers of his people were music to his ears, glad at what he was saying. He turned and walked into his palace, ready to make plans.
Walking inside, he heard a door open and close behind him. Turning around he thought he would see Galmer, but he was glad at what he saw.
“I told you that I promise we would win.”
She crossed her arms as she smiled, stress was eased away for both of them. “I thought you weren’t going to win and I was always scared you died, because I waited a long time for some letters to be sent back.”
Ulfric grinned, he was scared as well, he thought she got caught or captured for being in a relationship with her enemy. Now, none of that mattered. “But I sent one back right?” She rolled her eyes as she kept her smile, she walked over to him and looked at the fur coat. She smoothed the furrs with her hand and looked up at him, she was looking forward to this every single day the war was going on for.

Standing on her tiptoes to get closer to his height, she leaned in and kissed his cheek, blushing slightly. Ulfric rubbed his cheek where the kiss was placed, then he picked her up and kissed her as long as he could. The stress and worry, he had eased away, because now he was happy. He was secretly into the secret relationship, getting a small thrill in it. But the long waiting months made this meeting again worth it.
Galmer smiled at the couple, how cute they seemed and how much Ulfric seemed to talk or think about her made it even better. Galmer chuckled as he heard the clanking of the amulet of mara he had in his hands that Ulfric ordered specially. A priest of mara made it more special and beautiful than the usual looking one, more richer yellow/gold, a faded blue gem in the middle than the boring blue. More circles in between the large ones on the string. It was a lot of coin to buy this, but Ulfric has always been secretly wanting a lover. Start a family, and now Galmer can see that Ulfric found his one.
Galmer put the amulet of mara away, planning to give it to Ulfric later. He couldn’t wait to see how Ulfric would look when he gave it to him.

Sort of cheesy, I tried to add as much detail as I could. But today & later last night wasn't really my good day/time to add a lot of detail. Hope you enjoy it!

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