After your adventures

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On my spare time I am writing a fanfict that kinda makes fun of how people write creepypasta fanficts. I'm making it a sterotypical fanfict of that fandom, and making fun of it..I may of got taken away on my good detailed days..

I may of got taken away on my good detailed days

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Yep, like

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Yep, can I write like this somehow? This is not my usual writing.

Either you guys go to an inn and get drunk, or you guys just wonder the towns. Usually you go off to buy something and then go home to rest. Then the next day or two, you go out for new quests--which Bishop protests you about how you shouldn't just take requests so willingly. But who knew that Bishop could be funny and not so tough (like he usually is) when he's drunk?

When you, him, or both, come back from adventures, you usually lay in bed and let him read to you. Romance, humor, action, you name it and he'll read it. He even tells you the stories of when he was child, or someone he met while doing a job. He'll make you a small meal to ease your hunger and maybe train you a little more to get stronger.

Brynjolf would tell you about all the coin he earned and give you a gift he totally "bought" on one of his jobs. Crack a few jokes and humorous stores over a tank of ale. He'll practice lock picking with you, and gove you all the gossip around the thieves guild.

I'll continue this later..sorry..I just haven't felt like myself and was putting this on the side for days. I just..haven't been having the moviation to actually write. I don't know. Yes, it was short, sorry about that.


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